John's turn

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Written by Lani

Johns POV:

I silently tossed around in my bed, my key is far less important compared to everyone else's.

I can do stuff with peoples minds, but is that all?

Thats definitely not the best power if you ask me.

But I guess I'll just have to make the best of it...

Thats what I've been trying to do all night.

I used my mind to see if anything would happen...


I tried a few more times...

Still nothing...

I began getting frustrated with myself, but what if that is all i can do?


What was that?

I looked over at the door that was now locked.

The heck?

"Come on Alex!" Eliza whispered.

How can I hear them?

Are they in my room?


My room is completely empty.

"Yellow" Peggy whispered, she giggled quietly.

How am I-

Am I reading their minds?

Angelica was thinking to herself, i can tell.

Thomas was humming random tunes.


I cleared Angelicas mind quickly, something I'd learned to do from a distance.

What is this?

How does this relate to innocence?

What was that click?

I drew my attention back to the door, the door that wasn't locked previously.

I narrowed my eyes.


Did it just unlock itself?!

Did I do that?

My thoughts were interrupted by a voice.


She seemed upset.

"I actually thought I might've had a friend" she whined

Is she talking about Theodosia?

Maria set something on her desk, I could hear her bed bounce as she threw herself on it.

"Eh..." She cried.

Her voice faded meaning she had fallen asleep.

I threw myself against the frame of my bed.

"Oh dang it" I muttered realizing I had left my blanket  on my desk.

I didn't wanna get up though.

I narrowed my eyes once more an sighed.

Suddenly my blanket fell on face.

"What the?!" I said shocked.

I wonder if....

I squinted my eyes and thought of Peggy.

I could hear her quiet snoring as she slept soundly.

I could check on her whenever i want now...

I tried it with everyone else.

I heard everything they thought...

Not the best when Thomas is thinking about how much he loves Angelica..

I sighed and decided to just head to bed and tell everyone tomorrow.

"Lezgo" i whispered before falling asleep, one last image of Peggy popping into my head.

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