Being Young for a change

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(Written by Lani because Isabella couldn't think of anything to write and she wanted me to take her turn)
John POV:

"What do 12 year olds do?" I asked Peggy.

She shrugged, "Write books, draw, sing, things like that maybe?"

"Let's try it!"

She nodded and cleared her throat.

"TOweRs OF gOlD aRe sTILL tOO LIttLe" She screeched, I laughed.

"Pegs, babe, try a little harder, I know you sing well"

She sighed and cleared her throat again.

"TOweRs of Gold are still too little!" She sang, I applauded and kissed her cheek.

"Your turn John!" She exclaimed, I shook my head.

"Nah babe, i can't sing"

She playfully pushed me "sing"

"Fine I'll hit a high note"

*insert my heart will go one here*


"Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go make everyone's ears bleed" I said, she laughed

"I'm coming too!"

"Your card has been declined"

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