More then Just Innocents

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Written by Trinity

John's POV
Another day of training and i was so exited to tell the others about my new ability

I was ready to let them know that im more than just innocence

I ran outside to the garden to find everyone practicing

"Guys! guys! look"

I narrowed my eyes at a fire ball Peggy was about to shoot to a vine target Angie made

My hands formed white fog and the fireball started floating out of Peggy's grip

"The Hell" Peggy said

I brought it toward me and back to Pegs

Everyone clapped

"That's not all Thomas think of a number"

'Pizza' he thought

"Thomas Pizza is not a number " i said while giggling

"John think fast!" Angie yelled

I look over to see a ball of vines thorns covered them

I put my hands up and it stopped in its tracks

I looked at her and threw it back but stopped it before it hit her face

She looked surprised

"This is amazing John!" Peggy said as she gave me a hug

"Thanks" I replied hugging her back

We practiced a lot more ...then I lost control of my power

Alex shot water at me and i shot it back but he didn't duck instead he let it hit him I went over to ask if he was okay he just smacked my hand and walked away

'Jackass' is what Alex thought

"Is that what you really think of me?" I asked

" Yeah your a Jackass"

Those words just triggered something in me

I lifted him up and threw him back down

I walked pass him "Im not a Jackass"
I spat before walking inside

I made my way to my room and locked the door

I let things float around and spin

Untill a knock came from my door

"Come in" I said

Alex, Peggy and Eliza walked in

"Hi John" Alex said

"Salutations, come to Insult me more ?" I said coldly

I wasn't myself and i knew that

'Can you just stop being a prick for 2 seconds!?' Alexander thought

"So I'm a prick huh?" I said

Paper flew around the room


" Just get out you've insulted me enough" I said coldly

I didn't want him here and that was the truth

"But John-"Alex started

" Get out Hamilton!"

Alex looked at me and ran out Pegy and Eliza chased after him I shut the door

I wasn't innocent there was something deep down I've been trying to keep hidden

But it's showing

And that's no secret....

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