She Wanted A Battle? She Gave Her A War.

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Written by Noella

Peggy's POV:

I felt uneasy in my sleep, knowing those creeps were here. They slept in the living room, since we aren't allowed to have visitors. We don't have a guest room. Our parents think we'll accidently kill them or something.

Anyway, I slept, but something told me to wake up. To open my eyes, to see what's going on. My bed started to burn, I finally opened my eyes.

My key.

Was gone.

Off of my neck.

In the hands of an unworthy person.

But somehow, my powers still worked... As if I really am a Keeper...

I ran out of my room. I bumped into Eliza, who was also running.

"Peggy! My key is gone, but my powers still work!" She exclaimed.

"That's what happened to me! And I know EXACTLY who did it." I replied frantically.

"Who?" She asked.

"Theodosia and Aaron. They're no good, I can feel it in my bones. My soul." I answered.

"Aw, come on, Pegs. It wasn't them. Just because she was flirting with Lil' Johnny doesn't mean she did it." Eliza said.

"SHUT UP!" I snapped.

"My goodness... Eliza, I'm sorry..." I said.

She hugged me and said, "It's okay, Peggy. I know you're upset. We'll find the keys."

I nodded. We headed down the stairs. We searched the entire mansion, every single room. And the place was huge!

We finnaly went into the main living room. Theo and Aaron were gone.


"Oh my goodness, you're right! They must've taken the keys!" She cried.

The others came downstairs.

"They took our keys!" I shouted.

They gasped, then we ran outside.

We saw them, attempting to leave.

"Not so fast." Angelica said, tangling them in vines.

"Give us the keys." I said in anger.

"Ha! You're defenseless, sweetie. We've got your key, you have no fire anymore." Theo said, tying the key around her neck.

I glared at her. We all got into a line, ready to fight.

"You want a battle?" Alex asked, "We'll give you a war."

Aaron and Theo were also ready to fight. Theo burned the vines around them.

Alex sprayed water their way. Theo threw fire at him.

We all started using our powers. I still had my abilities, and so did Eliza.

"Alex! Look out!" Eliza cried.

Fire was heading his way, but it was blocked by a splash of water.

We turned to see our parents there.

"We were keepers once, too, kids." My mother said.

"WHAT!?" We shouted.

"We'll explain later, right now, we gotta fight!" Alexander's mother said.

We all started using our powers against them. Theo and Aaron became defenseless.

The keys took themselves off of Aaron and Theo. They floated back on to me and Eliza.

"Didn't you do your research before you decided to take the keys?" John asked sarcastically, "Only those who are worthy can hold the power."

"But those are the most powerful keys! The other keys are worthless!" Theo shouted.

"Oh really? Adults, children. Let's show them the definition of worthless." My father said.

Angelica and her mom wrapped vines around them. Thomas and his dad sent hatred vibes towards them. Eliza and our mother sent a tribe of blue butterflies surrounding them. Me and our dad sent a gust of fire their way. Alex and his mom sent floods of water to them. Maria and her mom tangled Theo's hair into knots.

"STOP!" They cried.

"Fine. We'll set you free." Alex said.

We did, but before they left, John stopped them with his mind.

"Oh. And don't you ever come back." He said.

They ran away, horrified.

"Come on, guys. Let's go." Maria's mother said in a stern tone.

Eliza's POV:

"So mom. You guys were Keepers?" I asked.

"Yes." She replied.

"But aren't they chosen every 200 years?" Alex asked, clearly confused.

"Ah, yes. But if you're a Keeper and you've had a child, then your power is transferred to your child." Maria's mother answered.

"But even if that happens, your power remains restored within you. This was the first time in 12 years that we've used our powers." Thomas's father explained.

"Oh. That makes sense." Maria said.

We all nodded.

"Okay, kids. Go back to sleep. You've got another day of practice ahead of you." Alexander's mother said.

We nodded and headed back to our rooms.

As I walked into my room, John kissed me lightly and whispered, "You're my hero. And you'll always be my Yellow."

I blushed uncontrollably and kissed him back.

I whispered, "And you're my savior. And you'll always be my Freckled Baby."

He giggled and went into his room.

I went to bed, smiling to myself.

"Yellow." I whispered, laughing.

And then, finally, I softly fell asleep.

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