Life Isn't The Most Powerful Key?

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Eliza's POV:

I stayed up last night. I thought about how Alex and I lost our strings. Thomas really needed to get his life together.

But something wasn't adding up.

I thought about all of the situations we've been through. Peggy burning things, Alex fixing it. People getting hurt, me healing them.

But it hit me.

Life is not the most powerful key.

After everything that went down, I barely even did anything to fix it.

Peggy was putting herself in danger because she loved John.

John was sacrificing his purity because he loved Peggy.

Thomas cut the strings because he loved Angelica and us.

Alex was helping me and Peggy because he loved us.

Angelica would build us gardens because she loved Thomas (secretly).

And Maria would help us see our true beauty because she loved us.

Peggy almost killed John. I revived him, but what was the thing that kept his will to live?

His love for Peggy.

And who controls love?


In every situation, the problems were solved or caused by someone's love for another person.

So that means...


The Key of Love is the most powerful key.

Making Thomas the most powerful Keeper.

I got up and headed to his room.

"Thomas." I said.

He looked up. "Hi Eliza."

"You need to form the strings. You have the most powerful key." I said.

"What? Eliza, I can't force love-"

"Thomas, listen to me, dammit!" I said sternly.

He quickly shut up.

"Look. In everything that happened, it was either caused or fixed by love. I only bring people life or death. You're the one who gives them the will to live." I explained.

His eyes widened.

"Oh my goodness... You're right... I have to form the strings." He said.

He quickly formed our strings. Angelica came in angrily.

"Thomas! Why are you forming a string around us!? We're not soulmates!" She growled.

Tears filled his eyes. "Because..."

"Tell me, will ya!?" She yelled.

"... I love you." He choked out.

Her eyes widened. Her key glowed. She put her hand on her heart.

"Why didn't I love you before...?" She asked in disbelief.

"You always did, Angie." He said. "I just didn't help you see it."

She ran to him and hugged him tightly. The others came in.

"Wait. Love is stronger than life?" Alex asked, confused.

"Well what's the point in living if there's no one to live for?" I asked.

They silenced.

"Love overpowers all..." Peggy whispered.

"Wait a minute. This whole time, we've been fighting for each other because of love?" Maria asked.

Our parents walked in.

"Love overpowers all of the keys. The reason you all went through this trouble is to realise how much you truly love each other." My mother said.

"So this was all just a soulmate game?" Angelica asked.

Our parents nodded.

"We experienced life and death situations for love." Said John.

I laughed and said, "The things we do for each other."

They chuckled.

"Mom, when do we give up the keys?" John asked.

"When you all get married and have kids of your own. That's when you pass the power down." She replied.

"So most likely you'll have 12 more years." My father said.

We nodded. Our keys glowed.

We knew the truth, now.

We went through hell because we loved each other.

But, what's love without any pain or suffer?

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