Guilt, Hate and unprepossessing true form

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Maria's POV
It's not fair all the girls got something special from the guys

Why didn't laf get anything for me

That thought stuck with me while we were practicing than something happened that will scar me for the rest of my life

I was changing everyone's hair styles

When my key started to glow black
I look around for someone to help me
And I see the same thing happening to John and Thomas

I ran over with the energy i had left

"Maria!, what's happening to us!" John said he was scared we all were

"I don't know john" i said

A black cloud of smoke surrounded me I couldn't see I couldn't breathe

"HELP!" I screamed i heard john and thomas scream too and everything went black...

Thomas's POV

I woke up and tried to sit up but was cut off by a foot on my chest and fire in my face

I groaned in pain and opened my eyes

"Peggy...?" I asked 

I examined her

She had multiple cuts on her arms
Blood soaked through her shirt on her side

"Thomas..." she asked

"Yeah it's me, what happened?"

She look sacred she lifted her foot from my chest

I tried to sit up but screamed in pain
I looked at my arms they had black streaks on my arms my shirt was torn

"Pegs where's everyone else" I questioned

"Inside" she answered

Just then everyone came outside

I stayed on the floor not being able to move

"Thomas...?" Angie said

"Yeah babe?" i said

She walked over to me and wrapped vines around me loosely and carried me inside

We sat there untill our parents came in the house

"Mom, what was that?" i asked scared for a answer

"Your dark sides" she answered 

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