You can't trust me.

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Written by Isabella
(when Lani wants you to make things happened but trinity leaves you with an emotional chapter, I swear Im literally just writing Lanis words now XD)
Peggy POV:

My memories came flooding back to me, some i never remembered before.

I held John angrily, I let go of him, he fell to the ground.

He sobbed.

Maria layed on the floor unconscious.

John whimpered as he cried, "I- I'm so sorry"

My face softened as I saw him cry, everybody surrounding us looked scared and worried.

Thomas clutched his key trying to make sure he didn't faint like Maria.

Laf helped Maria.

The feeling I had for her quickly withered, I saw her as a sister once again.

John sobbed into his hands "I- I killed you" he cried.

I looked back at Alex who looked confused and sad.

"John...babe....please" I whispered to him, he looked at me and shook his head.

Paper flew around the room faster the more angry and sad he got.

I sighed and bent down to his level, he looked into my eyes and cried more.

I touched his forehead, the slight heat meeting my fingertips as usual.

I kissed his forehead and let my own touch his.

Tiny flames sparked everywhere, the paper flew faster.

Until it stopped.

Everything came to a halt.

My vision blurred, he closed his eyes.

We were now in an empty area.

Just me and John.

"I'm sorry" he said, I sighed "why didn't you tell me?" I asked.

"I wasnt the one who erased your memory" he responded.

"John..." I whispered, he ignored me.

"I didn't mean to, I forgot where we were....
It just happened, I'm sorry..." He rambled.

"John!" I yelled, he looked at me confused.

I walked around, the place wasnt empty, it was filled with words that floated, "am I in your mind?" I asked.

He nodded, he sighed "I hate this place" he said.

"John...i love you" I said randomly, he smiled weakly.

"I love you too....more then you would know" he responded.

I reached up to touch one of the thoughts...

It was a word


As my hand made contact with it my vision returned.

"Hi" a voice said, it was John.
Yet his mouth wasnt moving, he sat there smiling silent.

"Hi?" I thought, he smiled.

"You can hear me?" He asked, still his lips weren't moving.

"Whats going on?" I thought.

"When you touched the word some of my power transferred to you, now you can hear and speak to me through thought. You can hear everything I say and think" he answered.

I looker around at everyone else in the room, they looked so confused, a tiny flame sparked in my eye.

"Awesome!" I thought, "I know right!" He answered.

I sighed and leaned against John.

"I'm so sorry" I said to everyone.

They nodded and left the room.

I got up and looked at the papers, each had one word on it.

Each said "guilt"

I narrowed my eyes and burned every one of them before turning back to John.

"I want to trust you.."  I said.

He smirked "You can't" he responded...

"I will.."

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