What would i do without you? (Fluffy Chapter)

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Written by Isabella

Peggy POV:

I sat on the floor thinking to myself about what to do, John slept silently on my lap.

I want to go back, but...should I?

I've caused a lot of trouble.

Should I just go somewhere and never come back?


I'd miss him too much.

I wouldn't be able to live without him.

I moved a bit not realizing that the tiniest movement would wake him.

"Good morning." He said softly, he looked up at me and reached up to touch my face.

He sat up quickly and looked at me. "Pegs...what are you gonna do? What do you think you're gonna do?" He asked, he looked at me and gave me a weak smile.

"I don't know John, I wanna go back, but I might hurt everyone" I said, he looked at me and sighed.

"Margarita...you may have the most dangerous power, but it was given to you for a reason. You're the only one out of the seven of us that can properly manage that power. You have the six of us to help you even when you can't" He said, I smiled and looked down.

"Pegs, What would I do without you?" He said, he reached over and kissed my forehead lightly.

"Trust me, you'll learn how to control it, and I'll be by your side every step of the way" he said.

I touched his face lightly, my fingertips slightly heated up but didn't do much. He smiled, "I love you" He said, I smiled "I love you too."

He sighed "I've tried just describing the love I have for you, it's never worked. It's something you simply can't describe" he mumbled, I giggled lightly and smashed my lips into his the same way I had done before.

I ruffled his curls silently and enjoyed the moment.

He smiled boyishly "I love you so much..." he said, I laughed, "I do too John."

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