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Written by Lani

Third person POV:

Peggy's room clouded with Flames as she slept, she tossed and turned due to the nightmare she was currently having.

She cried silently in her sleep, she clutched onto the blanket that John had left in her room a few nights ago when he had slept in there. Her curls stuck to the side of her face as she slept.

"I'm not..I'm not a-a monster" she whimpered, she cried until the dream got too intense.

Peggy POV:

"Ah!" I yelled as I sat up. The room was engulfed in flames, I attempted to calm them but failed miserably. I turned to the mirror and walked towards it, the flames made way for me as I walked. In that mirror sat a young girl who I identified as myself, but something was off.

I scanned the mirror, I looked from the bottom of my shirt up. My eyes met the key that started this mess, the one that was now glowing bright yellow.

Then I saw my own eyes, they weren't the big brown eyes I knew, the ones John loved. No, they were now a bright yellow surrounded by a dull brown color. What's wrong with me?

I turned to the flames behind me, they grew larger and larger as I watched in fear.

I wanted to rip this key off right now, but I can't.

I turned my head in the direction of the door.

I sprinted towards it and quickly escaped from the fiery room.

The floor beneath me caught fire with every movement of my feet.

As I continued running I created a trail of flames.

I want to leave! I don't want to see anyone! I can't do this anymore!

I was now at the end of the hallway the connected all out room. John slowly emerged from his door holding onto his key.

"Peggy...." he said softly, he looked up at the trail of fire, then at me.

"John, don't move...please!" I begged, he shook his head and carefully took a step forward.

The flames I had created made way for him as well.

He slowly got closer, "Peggy...babe..." he said softly.

He continued walking until he was right in front of me.

Every one else slowly emerged from their rooms as well.

He examined me closely, his eyes met my own.

"Peggy, what's wrong?" He asked worriedly. I carefully pushed him away and took a step back. "I'm a monster John, don't come near me.." I said, everyone stared at me, their eyes showed only the most sympathetic looks.

Alexander slowly sprayed water from his fingers to put out my flames.

The flames that were surrounded me however did not go away, they only grew.

John ignored my request and took one more step closer to me, he rubbed his thumb over my check and stared into my eyes.

I looked away, clearly embarrassed by what he saw.

Everyone gasped as the fire slowly created what was almost like a cage around me and John.

"Your eyes..." he whispered, I continued looking away.

Sudden bursts of wind from the amount of fire blew around my hair making seem as though it was flowing.

The 'Cage' grew taller, it now blocked our view from everyone.

"Oh Margarita.." he said, he looked down at my key.

"You are a keeper, you are anything but a monster" he whispered.

Eliza POV:

The fire that surround them began slowly dying down, we began to see Johns curls in the distance.

She stared shocked, but turned her head.

The fire was almost completely gone.

John stepped away from her.

Johns face was covered in tiny burns from the fire, her face filled with tears as she looked at him.

"Leave me alone" she cried as she turned away and ran.

We all shared glances and looked at John who had fallen to his knees.

"John...she'll be fine..." Alexander said, John sobbed into his hands silently.

Thomas however was determined to fix things, although it wasn't the best time, he silently connected a red string to Johns finger, the other end I assumed was connected to Peggy's.

Johns stared at it and sobbed more.

"Why does she think like that?" He asked through tears.

"Why does the greatest girl i know think she's a monster?" He said, Alex sat down and hugged him.

I bent down and placed my hand on his face healing all the burns.

If our parents weren't at a freaking adult week camp they could've helped.

Angelica sighed and created a tiny yellow rose with her hands, she placed it in his.

"You really love her, don't you." Maria said, John looked at her frustrated.

"God damn it! Of course I love her! I love her with all my heart!" His key began to glow a bright green, we stared shocked by the sudden outburst by the most innocent boy we know.

"I've told her! What else can I do?! Thomas you control love right?! Please tell me! How can I tell her how much I love her! I l-love her!" He cried, he sobbed into his hands and looked at me.

"Eliza, please! Do something! Anything! I beg!" He whispered, I sighed and silently ruffled his curls.

"Find her John, let her know you're okay.." I said softly.

He process the advice for a minute and nodded.

He slowly got up, he wiped his tears silently.

"Find your girl" Thomas said, he held onto Angelica tightly.

Alex smiled and kissed my forehead, "do it John"

John nodded and turned to the door, he sniffled "Tell my mom I'll be back tomorrow morning" he said, we shared skeptical glances and nodded.

He began to run off, but then he turned back to us.

His lifted his key as it glowed, a gust of wind surrounded us as he cleared our minds.

He turned back and ran out.

John POV:

My hero...
I need to help her now, this is when she needs me.
She's always saved me, now it's my turn.
Of course it's different, because I have to save her mentally.
But it's the least I could do for the person I love.
The one who makes my life worthwhile.
The one I can't live without.

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