Burning Love

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Written by Noella
Alexander's POV:

I stared at Eliza in the living room. We were watching T.V.

She wasn't paying much attention to the show. She was staring at the key around her neck, clutching it to her chest. A blue light flashed, then flickered out.

She was sitting next to Maria. She glanced at me from the corner of her eye. She made her way to me, Thomas helping by creating a red string around us.

She was now directly next to me. She leaned her head on my shoulder. I put my arm around her.

Peggy looked over at John. She sighed softly and turned back to the T.V.

I knew Thomas was gonna put them together. They were the only two who weren't. But the way John felt about her was one the human mind cannot not comprehend.

Thomas and Angelica were sitting side by side, holding hands. Peggy sat alone, John sat by Maria. Thomas glanced at him.

He suddenly formed a red string around John and Peggy. They were confused at first, but they allowed each other to get close.

Angelica formed a yellow rose and handed it to John. He looked at Peggy, then handed it to her. She smiled warmly, then moving closer to him.

At this point, no one was watching the show. All eyes were set on Peggy and John. She let a flame out, the string tightened.

Somehow, Peggy and Thomas's powers worked together. Peggy made a flame, Thomas shaped it as a heart.

John smiled softly. He and Angelica formed a flower crown on her head. Slowly, they moved so close, they kissed.

Eliza smiled softly, then kissed my cheek. I kissed her back. Thomas was working the strings carefully, not to make any mistakes.

Then Peggy said three small, yet powerful words...

John's POV:

"I love you."

I stared deep into her eyes. My heart stopped. How could someone so powerful, so beautiful, so perfect, possibly love me?

Those words hit me hard. They say you only fall in love once. But that's not true, because every time I look at her, I fall in love all over again.

"I love you, too." I whispered. Yet, everyone could hear.

She held my hands tightly. I held her's just as tight. I always forget everything when I'm around her. My purity, innocence. It all fades away. It's like the whole world could be falling apart, but as long as she's with me, everything's okay.

Peggy's POV:

He loves me back.

I knew this already.

But we've never actually said it.

Until now.

My heart drops whenever I see her. My heart starts to burn up with love. My fire powers are stronger with love...

Than with hate.

So I guess if I've learned anything as to my powers, it's that love overpowers hate.

We stepped out of the room. We headed outside into the garden, alone.

"Peggy, do you truly love me?" He asked, his innocence washed away.

"Of course. Love is just a word, John. Until you find someone who gives it definition." I replied.

He smiled.

"Well... There are 7 billion people in the world. My heart chose you." He said.

The fire in my heart moved down to my fingertips. A flame appeared. I quickly stopped it.

"I'm sorry... It happens when I'm falling for you." I mumbled helplessly.

He blushed. He giggled, and again another flame.

"Am I that important to you?" He asked.

"John. I would destroy the world with a single flame just to see you happy. Although, you're innocent and that would- Never mind. The point is, I love you." I answered.

We stayed silent for a bit.

"I wish I wasn't such a mess up." I muttered.

"Peggy, you're not a mess up. Your imperfections are what make you beautiful." He said.

"That's not true. I am dangerous..." I whispered, ready to cry.

"If there was anything I could give you, I'd give you the ability to see yourself from my eyes. Then you'd understand how beautiful and amazing you really are." He replied.

I looked up at him.

I hugged him tightly without even thinking. He hugged me back and said, "Let's get back inside before the whole squad starts to fan girl to their death."

I giggled and said, "Alright."

We walked back inside, my hand intertwined in his.

I loved him.

I mean it.

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