Heal; Fire; Water

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Written by Noella

Eliza's POV:

It was 6 in the morning. I got no sleep. I was making plans, practicing my healing power.

I practiced reviving on plants. I held life and death. I had the most powerful key.

But that's not easy to handle.

John and Peggy still weren't back yet. Everyone's done what they could to help her.

It's my turn.

Thomas has tried pulling them closer together. Alex has tried stopping the fire with his water. Maria has tried giving her a fresh look. Angelica has tried giving her flowers. And John has tried clearing her mind.

But the most powerful thing John can do...

Is love her.

I have to try. I have to fix this. This is just not going to work without the 7th key.

I stepped up my game.

For hours, I sat there on my floor. I revived ten flowers, healed broken hearts, and even caused my entire room to glow blue. Flowers appeared. I sensed Angelica's power.

My key lit up the whole room.

My red string appeared. I felt Thomas. A tear rolled down my face. I felt Alexander's presence. My hair tied back up. Maria was near.

I felt them in my heart. My soul.

I will fix what is broken... I thought.

Once it hit 6:30 AM, I ran downstairs and outside to the garden. No one saw me, thankfully. I ran to the woods. I felt Peggy and John.

I knew they were there.

My key guided me there. I ran where the key's light went.

I stopped in front of John and Peggy.

The sight was horrifying.

There was fire everywhere. I was horrified. John was doing his best to avoid the flames surrounding him.

Peggy was in the air, flames in her eyes. Underneath all that anger...

Was an innocent, sweet, beautiful, kind and loving girl. And she was scared.


"Peggy! I'm not doing that! I refuse to let you suffer!" I cried, fighting back tears.

"DON'T YOU GET IT!? I'M A MONSTER!" She screamed.

"No you're not! You are-"


And suddenly...

John was on the ground...

Peggy had realised what she had done.

She ran to him.

"J-John...?" She whispered.

"I'm... I.... I..." she stuttered, tears streaming from her eyes.

I layed a hand on John. There was a really bad burn on his chest. I gently layed my hand on the burn. I realised the others were here, now.

Angelica was shocked. Alex stared in fear. Maria held onto Angelica. Thomas stood close.

The burn turned blue. John fluttered his eyes open.

"Peggy." He said, turning to her.

"I'm a monster..." she muttered, over and over again.

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