Can I Even Trust You?

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(Chapter written by Trinity bc that's a thing now XD)

Peggy's POV
Another day of training

But something  feels different

Something feels off

I feel like im forgetting something

Or someone

"Where's John" Thomas asked
Everyone talking about it till I said


Everyone looked at me

"Ya know, John.... Your boyfriend" Alex said confused

I'm perplexed

"I don't know who that is" I said

I don't know why but Maria is looking
Hella cute

Everyone shared worries glances and dragged me inside.

Maria's POV
How dose she not know who John is shes been dating the guy!

What really concerns me is the fact that She keeps looking at me the way she would look at John

We were bringing her to Johns room we opened the door


"Oh my god..." I whispered under my breath

Written on John's wall were the words

Im guilty
She can't trust me
Im a danger

Written over and over again

His room was a mess
Paper was flying everywhere

Peggy looked shocked then angry

She stomped over to John picking him up by his shirt

Our keys started to glow

She was hurt, broken, scared

"I CANT BELIEVE YOU JOHN I TRUSTED YOU AND YOU KILLED ME....Can I even trust you" She was feeling mixed emotions sad, hurt, angry, scared 

All at once I couldn't take it

I look at Thomas and John there feeling it too


We cant handle all these emotions being the most sensitive keepers

"Ria, you okay"

After that was a blur

The words that stuck with me where

"Can I even Trust you..."

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