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Written by Lani

Elizas POV:

We all just kinda stood quiet after Thomas said that, none of us were sure of the answer.

Peggy sighed and buried her face Into Johns shoulder, he looked actually terrified at her touch.

Maria stared silently, I made a weird 'meep' sound.

Alex looked around weirdly, Thomas held onto Angelica.

"HELLO THERE!" A loud voice boomed.

A boy about our age fell from wherever he was, now he was in front of us.

"Oh...who's this cutie~" Maria said, he laughed on the ground not looking up at her.

"Ha! I haven't been called Cute since I was in the womb!" He joked.

Maria giggled to herself, "I just called you cute" she said

He looked up at her slowly, his eyes widening once he did.


Maria laughed at him and helped him up "Yeah."

He jumped up happily, "I'm Lafayette, the people who visit me here call me a keeper, but based on looking at you seven i am not a keeper. Just a mockery of one" he said.

Maria laughed "Im Maria" she said, he nodded and kissed her hand. "I assume you want to leave mon amour?" He asked, Maria blushed.

"I'm not sure after that" she flirted, he chuckled.

"On behalf of your friends I suppose I'll send you seven home" he said.

We all looked at him and nodded, Maria looked a bit sad.

"Alright, one the count of three I'll open the portal and you jump through. Okay?" He said, we all nodded, Maria however smirked.

"One two..." He counted

"Three!" Maria yelled, she grabbed his arm and jumped through with him, all of us followed behind.

"I THINK MARIA HAS I CRUSH" I yelled, Alex and Peggy laughed as we entered the portal.

"LETS GOO!" Alex screamed.

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