Black Birds Singing In the Dead of Night

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Written by Trinity

Peggy's POV
I ran. I didn't know where I was running to but I couldn't be there with them I didn't belong there.

I was a monster

I ran far out into the woods where no one would find me

I ran till i got tired of running

"You cant run forever Margarita~"

Flames took over my hands searching for the voices source

"Where are you?, who are you? "
I said calmly but I was freaking out

"Just face the music~"  the voice spoke then fading

I was scared to be honest

Im wandering around at night its cold and dark and I just need someone to save me  


That was John I heard a thud and quiet sobs

He really did love me
But I need to do this on my own
I have to fight my fears by myself because if i bring another into my fight...

They can get hurt and I don't want to risk  that

John must have sensed my hurting because he cleared my mind

I jumped up and used my heat to carry me across the forest

" Im sorry John i have to face my battles alone " I said once I found him

"Peggy" he asked looking up

"Yeah John it's me "

He ran up and hugged me and started sobbing into my shirt

"Shhh its okay im here now your safe"
I said to comfort him

"Why?" he asked

"Because i have to fight my battles and i don't want you guys getting hurt, go home John" I said after

"Can I just stay here with you" he asked with puppy dog eyes

I can't say no to that

"Fine but you have to leave in the morning"I said sternly 

He cuddled into me


"Yeah John"

"Can you sing to me" he asked

" okay" I replied

"Black birds singing on the dead of night, take these broken wings and learn to fly, all your life..."

"You where only waiting for this moment to arrive"

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