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Written by Lani.

Peggy POV

Heh, things have gotten weird.

Everything was so easy when we were eleven.


A year...

It only took a year?

Twelve ruins everything...

I can't control this! None of us can!

My relationship is falling apart!

I can't lose him.

My eyes...

The flames in them grow when I see him.

You're not truly in Love until you meet someone that you would do anything for...anything to keep them happy.

That's him...

But then again....

No matter how much you love them and want to keep them happy, you can't and won't ever want to see them hurt.

If you are what's hurting them, you want to leave.

It's how it is...

Me and John both know how that feels, to feel like you're hurting someone you love so much.

"These battle scars don't look like their fading, don't look like they're ever gonna fade, ain't never gonna change"

When will we be happy?

Is this just a season?

"I wish I never looked, I wish I never touched
I wish that I could stop loving you so much"

" I wish I couldn't feel, I wish I couldn't love
I wish that I could stop 'cause it hurts so much. I wish you weren't the best, the best I ever had
I wish that the good outweighed the bad"

Will I ever be Happy?!

What will if take?!

What will I take to protect him?!

Protect him from me?!

This is ridiculous!

I want to live a normal life!

Like a normal 12 year old who's not worried about love!

"Im sorry" he said from the doorway.

I turned to him and backed away slowly. I created some sort of ring of fire around me.

"Margarita...." he said softly.

"I can't help loving you! It hurts!" I yelled, he stepped back.

"I know..." he whispered.

"Cause you've set me on fire
I've never felt so alive" he said.

I smiled weakly.

Angelica and Eliza joined us in the room, Angelica smiled.

I could tell she felt bad.

John smiled as well.

"I'll do whatever it takes" he said, he turned to the door and walked out leaving me alone with Angelica and Eliza.

"I'm so glad me and Thomas don't have Drama like this" Angelica whispered, Eliza smacked her arm playfully and walked up to me.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

I nodded, "I'm fine, I just need to get away from this mansion for once" I said.

I stood up, looking around the room, it had been so lively and full of color back when I was eleven.

What happened?

"There is never enough time to do everything, but I have enough time to do what's most important" i said, Angelica looked confused for a moment.

"I'm ready as I'll ever be" I said determined, I marched out the room dramatically yet stopped at the door.

I turned back to them.

"That didn't work" I said, they nodded and laughed.

I laughed along.

John POV:

Laughter is a beautiful sound.
Its even more beautiful when you hear it from somebody you love most.

Isn't laughter amazing!
It brightens your day even in the darkest of times.
Laughter from a lover is what makes your life worthwhile.

Alex POV:

When you're lost in thought...

Lost in sorrow

Lost in a valley

Light brings you back..

Smiles create light

Laughter creates light.

It makes light so it can bring you back from the darkness where you've been hiding.

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