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Thomas POV:

"And I'm at the point of breaking
And it's impossible to shake it"

I hate everything.

The person you think of in the morning and before you go to bed is either the cause of your happiness or pain...

So why is she both?

Why does she cause me so much pain, how can she make me so happy?

You cannot force love....

There's still something between John and Peggy that I didn't force though....

Why couldn't it be that way with me and Angelica?

When we were dating I never felt once that I was forcing her love...

But once I cut the string she left, she seemed to feel no remorse for the situation either.

She was oblivious to who her soulmate really was....

I felt something with her, something that made me want her....made me feel like I was her soulmate.

Maybe I was wrong.

I hate this, I hate all that is good!


That's what I felt for Angelica way before...and now after we dated....

Hate is what brought us together, and yet it is what tore us apart.

I used to hate her, she was never my favorite in the house.

The way she would walk and talk down to me had and has always bothered me, I began to love it.

Love the way she teased me, the way she'd get angry when I proved her wrong.

"Till death do us part" thats what we used to say to each other.

But it was not death that tore us apart, it was none other then my lovely friend Hatred.

Love and Hate are opposites...

Put them together and what do you get?


That is what I am, a hateful and Jealous fool.

Save me.

Save me from the emotions that own me now.

Save me from Hatred.

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