Secret Room

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(A/N: this chapter is by Noella. I guess we're saying who wrote what now XD).

Peggy's POV:

I wanted to be alone. I was depressed, annoyed. Everyone wanted me to save John. But I didn't know how.

I knew he could read my mind. I knew he could see what I was currently thinking. That scared me. He knew that, too.

I felt unsafe. I trusted him, but a part of me felt uneasy. My secrets were no longer with just my best friend, Alex. He was my brother in a way, we knew everything about each other.

But now John knows everything about me. Yet, I still didn't know everything about him.

I left my room and roamed the endless halls of the mansion. Really, I was always lost in these halls. It was fun, though.

I knew every single room in this house.

Or so I thought.

I came across a door I have never in my life seen. It was very strange, like it held secrets.

I like secrets...

I opened the door. When I walk inside, the first thing I notice is that it's completly dark.

I walked a bit further, and then I see a purple light. I walk closer until I'm face to face with this light.

And I touched it...

It was like... A portal...

It sucked me in, I was spinning, I couldn't see or think. I had no emotion.

But when it stopped, I was in more pitch black darkness. It was the equivalent to the void.

But my outfit changed...

It was so magical, so... Mystical.

I didn't understand why this happened

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I didn't understand why this happened. My eyes started to have little flames in them. I was scared.


It was no use. The portal was nowhere in sight.

I would be stuck here.

For all eternity.


Alexander's POV:

I knew something wasn't right. Peggy was nowhere to be found.

"John. Where's my sister?" I asked without thinking.

"Who?" He asked back.

"I mean, where's Peggy?" I corrected myself. I wasn't embarrassed, however.

"I... I lost connection with her... I can't hear or feel her anymore... Something's blocking our connection." He replied.

I walked around the mansion. Peggy and I used to get lost together. We'd always argue on which way to go. I remember specifically every room...

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