Passing On The Keys

798 33 26

Written by Noella.
Final chapter

*Third person POV*

Eliza woke up early. John had been screeching all night, so she didn't really get much sleep.

She walked into the garden. Alone, she sat in the flowers. The sky was only a pink and yellow color. She wanted to simply watch the sunrise.

The cool summer breeze gently brushed against her face. She felt comfort. Her key began to glow. She turned to see Alexander.

He sat beside her. He smiled and took a deep breath. He inhaled the cinnamon-like scent of the freshly cut grass. He turn to face Eliza.

"So. This has been a crazy year." He said softly.

"We'll be thirteen soon." She replied, her voice small.

He picked up a white rose, her favorite flower. He gently placed it in a strand of her hair.

"I feel like we're gonna grow up by tomorrow." She whispered.

He looked at her, silent for a moment. Finally, he smiled softly and replied, "Then let's make the best of our childhood while we're still kids."

She smiled back. She leaned her head on his shoulders and together, they watched the sunrise in peace and silence.

There was no more fear.

No more pain.

Only love and liveliness.

Just the way it should be.

*12 years later*

"Thomas! Where's the key?"

"Which one?"

"The Key of Love!"

"Oh, here. Who gets this one?"


"Alright, love."

They make sure all of the newborns- Ally, Jake, Jessie, Rosy, Max, Jenna and Kyle- were all in position.

Peggy steps up. For the first time in her entire life, she carefully removed the key from her neck. She felt a rush of heat, a single flame came from her fingertip. It blew out.

She took a deep breath and put around her son, Jake. He opened his brown eyes. A small flame formed in his pupils. She gave a proud smile.

She walked away from her small son. She knew he could do this. She just felt it in her fiery soul.

Next, Alex gave his daughter, Rosy, the key of water.

Let us recap-

Eliza and Alex had gotten married.

Thomas and Angelica got married.

John and Peggy got married.

And Maria and Laf got married.

Eliza and Alexander had Rosy and Jenna. John and Peggy had Jessie and Jake. Thomas and Angelica had Ally. Maria and Laf had Max and Kyle.

Rosy became Keeper of Water.

Ally became Keeper of Love.

Jessie became Keeper of Purity.

Jake became Keeper of Fire.

Jenna became Keeper of Life.

Max became Keeper of Nature.

And Kyle became Keeper of Beauty.

After they recived their keys, the former Keepers (their parents) stood in silence.

They stood proudly. They weren't just proud of their newly born Keepers.

They were proud of themselves. They overcame their fears. They didn't give up. They fulfilled their purposes as Keepers.

"Mom would be proud..." Peggy whispered to herself as she looked at her mother's picture on the wall.

Alex gave a sad smile. Their parents were still alive, accept for Mrs. Schuyler. She passed away. Eliza could do nothing to help. Eliza would know, she felt that it was her time.

The clock struck midnight. Our former Keepers had sudden flashbacks of their twelfth birthday. But, this time, it was their children who's keys glowed.

The former Keepers smiled.

And now, it is their time.

Good luck, new Keepers.

Make your parents and ancestors proud.

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