We Finally got a Explanation

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((Written by Trinity))

Maria's POV

After we questioned John and Peggy about " Making Love" everyone left except for Thomas and John, I stayed as well untill our parents told us to go into the backyard, we looked at each other but obeyed

We sat on the grass while our parents sat in chairs

"Why are we here?" John asked being the innocent bean he is 

"It's time you know what your dark sides are" Thomas's father said

At the mention of our dark sides

We all sat up straight and placed our hands in our laps

Our keys started to glow but 2 different colors

Mine: Red/ Black
Thomas's: Pink/Black
John's: White/ Black

John's mother called him over, he got up and walked over to his mother

But something about his walk was different. He would regularly walk with his head held high and a bright smile on his face his brown eyes sparkling, now he walks with his head down one hand on his arm his sparkling brown eyes now grey

His mother lifted his chin up and held his hands, a Black substance formed at his finger tips and moved up his arms and stopped at his elbows where the dark streaks where.

Thomas's father called Thomas over
Thomas's walk was different too

His walk used to be upbeat and have a bright smile on his face now he had his hands shoved into his pockets with a scowl on his face. His father also asked to see his hands, the same
Back substance took over his hands and stopped at his Shoulders black streaks running to his neck this time.

I was called next I couldn't see myself but I could tell I was walking differently too.I used to walk head high not a care in the word thinking im beautiful now im walking head down a million thoughts in my head
Thinking I was ugly

My mother reached for my hands, the black substance ran up my arms and stopped at my neck the black streaks running to my cheeks.

We all burst into tears

We heard gasps behind us and slowly turned around

There they stood


The only person who really did matter to me was Laf

He loves me

Angie ran to Thomas

Peggy ran to John

Laf ran to me

"Ria...." his hands wiped away my tears

"Im so Ugly " I said my voice sounding distorted 

He kissed me and I slowly melted into the kiss

Feeling Powerful, Loved , Beautiful

Thomas's POV
Angelica ran over to me the powerful girl I once hated

"Tommy... What happened" She asked hugging me tight

"I hated you...." I said crying
She lifted my chin and kissed me

While she was kissing me
I didn't feel hatred
I felt Strong, Happy Loved

John's POV
Peggy ran over to me
"John are you okay, are you hurt, what happened?!" she asked while examining my face

I looked into her eyes

"I'm guilty...." I whispered while breaking eye contact and looking at the ground

"John, Look at me" Peggy whispers her voice is soft

I look up and she kissed me, the guilt soon vanished

I felt Happy,Loved, Pure

Thomas's , John's and Maria's POV
" I love you "

Just clearing up the dark sides didn't wanna leave you peoples on a clif hanger

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