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Written by Lani.

John POV:

Everything's back to normal now. Maria's been teaching Laf how to live outside the void. Alex and Eliza, heh, they do the cutest things together. Thomas and Angelica tease and love each other all day.

What about me and Peggy?


I simply listen to how much she 'trusts' me.

I listen to her worries...

Its still weird, I can hear her wonder If I'm listening as she's next to me.

My guilt still haunts me.

What Ive done can't be forgiven.

She would hate me if she knew...

But she doesn't...


"Come on pegs!" I yelled happily, I climbed branch by branch.

Peggy slowly climbed behind me, "JOHN IS THIS SAFE?!" She yelled, "OF COURSE!" I yelled back.

She nodded and continued climbing.

I found my way to a branch thick enough to hold both of us.

I sat.

She joined me.

"John why'd you bring me up here?" She asked.

I laughed "Because I can!" I said happily.

She smiled, "heh, you sure you didn't bring me up here to confess your undying love for me?" She joked.

I forgot where we were for a moment.

I playfully pushed her.

She fell.

She hit her head on the bottom of the tree.

The wood dug into her neck.

I raced down the tree and screamed for help.

I held her hand for a while, then her hand went limp.

*end of Flashback*

I killed her....

*New Flashback*

"Can you do it? I haven't used...the key...since forever" Peggys mother said, she held me close tell  her as I cried.

"Shush John, she'll be okay" she soothed.

"Yeah, I should be able to help." The women said, she layed her hand over Peggy's head erasing her memories quickly.

"Take her home, she'll wake tomorrow morning" the women demanded.

*End of Flashback*

I killed her!

I actually killed her!


Guilt is all I feel....

She questions her trust for me every second now...


I am guilty.

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