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A/N: You can play this video if you want to have the dramatical effect its optional but there will be another author's note where to play it

Harper's P.O.V

I was dressed in black from head to toe everyone else was as well. I was attending to a funeral for one of my closest friends the one who didn't deserve to end like this. I arrived at the church house and I remembered how the churches makes Willow feel uncomfortable in so many ways. I walked up the steps of the church and instantly I got unwelcoming stares from her family. "Harper!" I heard someone called my name. I looked up and saw the familiar group of friends of mine. I walked up to them and greeted them. "What's in the bag?" Shrimpy asked. I was carrying a bag that have some things for Willow. "It's a surprise." I spoke sadly.

"Is it just me or does Willow's family don't like us being here." Jamie spoke quiet enough for only us to hear. "Let them be keep in mind they gave her hell and back no matter what." Rio said. A man dressed in formal attire walked up to us and asked if we wanted to see the body. I tensed up when he said that word because that body is my bestie. We all said yea and followed him to the back of the church where they held the coffin and Willow in it.

When we arrived the man left us to be and we saw James already there looking at her. "James? I didn't expect you to be here." I spoke. "Neither did I....but I needed to see her one last time before she's completely gone." He spoke. His voice sounds hoarse and scratchy I guess he has been crying as well. I walked up to the coffin and saw a girl who wore a bright red lipstick color and bright pink and orange eyeshadow. Her hair was fixed into a braid and wore a white dress. This girl is Willow but doesn't look like her.

"I knew it...." I mumbled to myself. I opened up the bag and pulled out makeup remover wipes and dark make up. "What are you doing Harper?" Alice asked me. "Even through death they try to make her into a girl she isn't so I'm gonna make her into a girl she is the girl we recognize her as a friend of ours....." I explained and began removing the disgusting bright colors off her delicate face.

When I got all of the makeup off her face I started applying the make up I brought and little by little I started to recognize my own Willow. The dark Smokey eyeshadow with a bit of white in the corner and a sharp winged eyeliner. Her lips lined with a beautiful creamy dark red color that complimented her skin beautifully. Next I undone the braid that's in her hair and left it down her bangs swept to the side as her long soft black raven hair falls perfectly in place so there was hardly any adjustments. I smiled slightly when I touched her hair because I would pet her head every time as if she was a cat or an animal. It brought up fond memories of me and her. How we laugh at the most stupidest things. How we helped each other in classwork or in projects. And how we stood by each other sides when one was down. She was something.....unique even and no one can compete with that.

Next I pulled out a flower crown and placed it gently on her head. It had dark red roses along with white and black roses. They have some small flowers in them and crystals as well. "There.....she's more like our Willow." I spoke. "You forgot something." James spoke. James pulled out something from his coat pocket and held Willow's left hand and put something on her ring finger. When he pulled his hand away it displayed a ring with a sapphire stone in the center it was simple but it was beautiful and it made her more perfect. "Now....she's more like our Willow." James spoke softly.

Everyone came over and looked at the effort I put into Willow. "She looks like a vampire." Rio spoke. "Vampire princess." Nabi thought. "I wonder if she'll come back as a zombie and start up an apocalypse?" Jamie wondered. We all looked at Jamie as she is the only person to not have a normal comment about this.

A/N: you can start playing the song here

After we were done fixing up Willow we all took a sit in the church. Still feeling the unwelcoming stares from her family members. A pastor came up to the stand and said some religious sayings and prayers. We had moments of silence and people come up to say some kind words. Unfortunately no one in her family came up to say anything.

"Does anyone want to come up to say anything!" The pastor repeated. I raised my hand lazily and the pastor saw me. "Come up here then." He stepped down and I walked up to the stand. Everyone looked at me as I walked up to the stand. I looked to the side to see Willow peacefully in the coffin. Then I looked at everyone my friends and the family members that somehow don't have anything to say.

"My name is Harper Annlee, I'm a very close friend of Willow. We met when we were freshmen in high school at that time Willow was a very different person then she was now. Quiet, secretive, cautious, and hardly showed any emotions. If I haven't met her she'll be just another face in the world.....and I wouldn't know what has been going on in her" I stopped speaking when my head turned towards the coffin. It was silent, not awkward not uncomfortable just dead silence. The pastor was gonna take me down from the stand until I slammed my hands on the stand post. A lot of rage and anger is built up inside of me for such a long time. "Why! Why her!" I yelled, "she didn't deserve this any of this! She had a future! She had friends! She had someone to hold on to and love! But out of all the billions of people in this god damn world! It had to be her! Not only that what kind of family are you guys! You think saying nothing and put her down in the earth is no big deal! Well it is! Once she's gone she's gone! And I already miss her! Her smiling everyday! Her voice! Her laugh! It was the only good thing here! And it had to be surrounded by people like you and be treated horribly by you as well! Now she's gone, completely gone and I wish for her to just wake up now......we need her.....I need her.....because no one has treated me like she has, never forgotten me, never mistreated me......and I could only hope no....wish that somewhere she is okay and safe." I spoke tears running down my face.

Everyone was silent as I walked off the stand. As I walked back to my seat some of my friends were holding back tears or not. The atmosphere change somehow after my little speech but it didn't matter everyone needed to know Willow like the way I do.

After the ceremony we hanged out for a bit. Alice found a piano and started playing a song it's called River Flow in You it was beautiful and melodic. "So, what happens now?" Rio asked looking at a coke can in his hand. "We live." I spoke. I stared into the sky as the sun was setting on this tainted world we live in. Everyone's eyes were on me looking for the answers they needed.

"We live, we live the future that awaits us that it couldn't for Willow." I spoke out loud. The last note on the piano was played and we all watched the sunset. After that day it was the last time we were all together as a group. We went our separate ways colleges, jobs, traveling. We lived the life that we knew Willow wanted us to do. I kind of missed them.....all of them. I should give them a call sometime when their not busy. Yea, that sounds good.

.....May we meet again old friends.....

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