Chapter 2

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A scream escapes from my lips as my body jolts up. As I pant out of breath, my eyes are guided to the clock. It's two in the morning....again. I groan as a tear slides away from my eye and tumbles across the skin on my cheek, then fall back on the soft, warm bed.

"Why does this keep happening to me?" I question, grabbing a pillow from behind for my face to plunge into.

This was going on for a few years now and I couldn't make it stop. I can't control what I dream or when I wake up. It starts when I fall asleep and stops at the same time every morning. Two a.m. It's not until my four-thirty alarm goes off that I realize I've stayed awake. If I could, I would see a therapist, but rumor has it that I'm a little broke for that.


After stepping inside the train, I sit down and wait for the train to arrive at my stop.

Fifteen minutes later, I hop off of my ride and stroll out of the subway tunnels to the building I work at. Soon enough, I enter the doors and take an elevator to the fifty-first floor. Three months have passed since my interview and they've been pretty damn good from my point of view.

"There you are," a voice pops inside my head after the elevator doors open. The red-headed woman stands there before me once again in her tall heels and perfectly shaped body.

"You're getting a promotion." My eyes widen as I clench my handbag in excitement.

"Really?" She bobs her head and motions me to follow her. 

"Your new work area is on floor fifty-three." Our heels thump against the carpeted floor.

"Isn't that the CEO's floor number?" She glimpses back at me with a cheerful smile. After I've finished packing the few items on my desk, we're heading back to the elevator and pressing the illuminated buttons to floor fifty-three.

Once we reached the floor, she guides me to my brand new cubicle and hands me several files.

"You're Mr. Blake's new assistant. His last one left the company yesterday." I pause unpacking my things for a moment and knock my eyes to the top of her figure.

"She was fired?" I asked a little concerned about the position I'm walking into. Ms. Charlotte lets the cool air in the room turn quiet before she continues speaking.

"There are two other people who work under him as assistants. Your job is to set his schedule for appointments and meetings, and sort out the paperwork he needs to sign," she speaks calmly before glimpsing back at me.

"What are the other two assistants for?" I question out of curiosity. "Don't people usually only have one assistant?"

"Well one of them gets his coffee and all his meals and the other is a personal assistant." She gives me more files and paperwork before leaving me to start my new position. 

Around three or four hours later I was going to see him when I accidentally bumped into someone. "I'm so sorry." I watch the person's coffee spill out over her shirt. As soon as she looks up I find something familiar about her face.

"Wait." I squint my eyes as we gape at each other. The woman in front of me sends me the same look. "Jessie?" 

"Danni?" she says. Suddenly my world comes crashing around me. It her. She's here...right in front of me. A quick smile almost turns her to tears as runs a hand up to her face. "I thought I'd never see you again." Her mood unexpectedly changes from excitement to confusion. "What are you doing in London?"

The astonishment of seeing her standing in front of my eyes still overwhelms me as I try to turn my mind back on. "I-uh...I moved here. I live here now."

"When did you leave America?"

"A while back," I answer vaguely, not wanting to get into it. My eyes fall down to her chest. "I have another shirt I could give you," I offer with apologetic eyes as she agrees with a wide smile.


"So what do you do here?" Jessie asks, drinking her fresh, new cup of coffee.

"I just got promoted as one of the CEO's assistants." As it turns out, she was one of the other assistants. Our offices are right beside each other.

"I have to cut this short. These papers need to be run by him." I show the folder in between my fingers and scurry my way to his door after saying goodbye. Ten steps away from my boss's office is pretty convenient.

As soon as I swing open the door and linger inside something unusual strikes my eye. "What the hell?!" I whip around to face the door I had just closed and try my best to throw the image out of my head.

"You do know that employees are supposed to knock, not barge in." I hear the sound of his strict voice.

"I do now," I start out, holding on tight to the papers in my hand.

"What do you want?" he inquires with a rude tone. Jeez lighten up, would you?

I take my time turning back around and approaching his desk with the folder blocking my sight. I shift my gaze away from him and lay down the papers, asking for a few signatures. After he signs them, I swipe them back into my possession and look them over with my back turned to him.

"Anything else?" Irritation emerges from the depths of his voice.

"Nope, but I'm pretty sure lunch is coming up and your other assistant is going to be here any minute." I send him a heads-up, praying that Jessie won't have to walk in on what I just witnessed.

I could hear the sounds of his lips sucking against his employee as I left the room. Guess now I know what that other assistant was being used for. 

Two hours later, after lunch, I headed for his office again and knocked on the door. "It's open." Well, no duh.

Just as I pushed the opaque door open, my eyes glance up from the papers only to find one person in the room. The last person I was expecting to see. Although his head was staring down at his desk, he was still recognizable to my eyes. How didn't I see this before? My eyes practically bulge out of my head at the sight of him as I stand at the door, completely speechless.

"Hell no," I blurt out, under my breath, and quickly leave the room, shutting the door behind me. I force Jessie's door open and slam it shut, then support my back against the smooth glass, covering my eyes with a hand.

"Danni, you okay?" she asks as I pick myself up and start pacing. I hate it when I pace. Curse words begin shooting in all directions and she's sitting there like a confused child.

"What's wrong?"

"Did you know? No, you couldn't have." I stop pacing to look at her but keep going shortly after.

"Just tell me what's wrong," she declares as I'm on the verge of a panic attack.

"Why is he here? Why now? Can't I ever get a break?" I think aloud as my hair wisps behind me. "Why is this happening to me?" Jessie flies up from her chair and grabs me by the shoulders. "The CEO is the father of my kid." Jessie drops her jaw at me as my heart drowns into an ocean of doubt and fear. My heart rate picks up before I manage to get it under control again.

This isn't going well. This isn't going well. This isn't going well. This isn't going well.

"You have a kid?!" Jessie shouts as I stare at my watch, waiting for my heart rate to go back down.

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