Chapter 41

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She told me everything. From the moment she was going to tell me about the kid to when she left her abusive uncle after graduating from that terrible boarding school. Compared to her, I grew up with a silver spoon in my mouth. I was raised to be successful while she was trained to be obedient. There was no one to comfort or honestly care for her. No one stood by her side. She was all alone. All those lies I had told myself when I left...

Everything will be okay. 

It might seem hard now but she'll get over it, and I will too.

Everything will fall into place.

Well, none of that happened. They were all lies to keep me happy and moving on. Nothing actually flowed back into its rightful place. If anything, things got worse for Danni. Her childhood was practically ripped in half because of me.

"Luke, it's not your fault," she says. My conscience scoffs. It's like she's reading my mind.

"I could've stayed—" 

"And what would you have done if you did?" she gently interrupts. "We were kids. We didn't know what we were doing." She takes a breath. "We didn't have control over anything." She was right. We didn't know what we were doing.

"I just...I'm sorry," I express before lifting my eyes to see her smile. "I wish I could've been there."

"I do too, but you can't change what happened," she says, shaking her head. 

I do too. Her words ricochet in my mind. How many times has that single thought entered her head? How many times has she wished that I could have been there; that I could have rescued her from all of the chaos and taken her away from the pain and heartache?

My focus is brought back to the conversation almost immediately as she moves her arm. "I mean unless you have some kind of time machine or something," she says raising a brow. All my worries wash away as I smile. 

She was right. There is nothing I can do about the past. It doesn't matter how many times I wanted things to be different. All I can do is focus on moving forward.

"So what now?" I ask.

She gives me a look. Suspicion creeps into my face from her expression. "Is there anything I need to know about you?" 

I bite my bottom lip, regretting everything up to this point. "Mmm, nope," I say, turning to leave.

"Luke," she warns. 

I take a deep breath before turning back around. She motions for me to sit down on the couch next to her. "You know, I was just your average cocky adult. I went out to parties every other night, hooked up with girls I barely knew...turned to alcohol after getting into fights with my dad. I didn't think anything mattered." I scoff. "And then I met you for what felt like the first time."

Her lips draw out to the ends of her blushed cheeks. My eyes consume the entirety of her physical appearance, from her head down to her heels.

"I didn't even recognize you with your blonde hair... your new persona. Half of you doesn't look anything like...well, you."

"I probably would've done the same thing," she rejoins.


"Turned to alcohol and substance abuse. Become an addict and been sent away to a medical institution for the chronically insane." A sigh drifts from her lips as her eyes skim over the room. "But the thought of running away was enough. Knowing I'd never have to see them again. Forgetting everything and everyone."

My eyes stay on her. "Everyone?"

"Not by choice," she clarifies, eyebrows scrunched together as she barely shakes her head. Her fingers interlace mine as she rests her head on my shoulder. "It doesn't matter. None of it matters," she reassures. "You're all that matters to me now." A warmth fills my heart as her words replay in my head. My arms reach around her back as I lift her from the couch and lower her between my legs. She lies back, resting her head on my chest as I wrap my arms around her stomach, not wanting to let go.

The fresh smell of her shampoo drifts up my nose as I kiss the top of her head. All I want to do is stay here and fall asleep. I'm reassured, knowing that she's safe and not going anywhere. All of the chaos from today was exhausting enough. It practically drained every bit of energy I had left to give. I could pass out and be perfectly fine with staying here for a while.

Her warmth quickly radiates against my skin as I tighten my arms around her. "Hey, Danni."

"Mm," she hums, tracing her fingers along the skin of my arm.

"I love you."

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