Chapter 14

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An abundance of shouting shatters the air as I tilt my head over towards the commotion. My face freezes over just as I lock onto the situation. A man around my height has Danni by the arm with a pistol to her head.

"I want two-hundred thousand dollars in cash or I'll shoot the girl!" He shouts so that everyone on the lobby floor can hear his bargain. Within seconds, my hands are contacting security. A guard nearby sends me a glance but I motion him to wait. I slowly ease down the spiral staircase, careful not to catch any unnecessary attention. My eyes turn back to the two people. The man's patience is so thin I could cut through it with my bare hands. Danni doesn't seem too moved by what he's doing.

A few seconds later, I watch as Danni freely spins around and faces the man with the gun. My instincts force me to stop.

What the hell is she doing?

After shaking my conscience back to reality, I motion the guards to move in. The man ignores whatever Danni had to say and grabs her by the hair, turning her back around.

I casually increase my pace towards her after he forces her to the ground. Tension tightens the room and bystanders encompass the scene, terrified. In the blink of an eye, Danni is unconscious with a gun aimed at her body. The room's agitation spikes through the roof as I take a deep breath. Towards the back of the lobby, I catch a pair of guards sneaking up behind the man.

"Excuse me, sir," I approach him, "would you please put the gun down?" I ask raising my brows to the question. I keep my shoulders square and my posture straight. The man looks at me with seriousness written across his face. His hand hardens around the weapon.

"Do you have my two-hundred thousand?" he questions, carefully leaning down and pressing the end of his gun against Danni's unconscious body.

"No, it's not coming," I inform him, staring straight into his eyes. I try to keep myself from looking back at the guards for reassurance. "If you could please hand over the gun." I offer my hand ready to take it when he's willing, but lines begin to crease the skin on his forehead indicating his refusal.

"Give me....the money!" he screams. His eyes are red as he continues to shake the gun around. His nostrils flare every now and then as I swallow the fear building up inside. Just as things seem like they might turn for the worst, security handles the situation smoothly. The moment they force him to the ground, shots are fired.

The room turns silent. Dead silent.


After the incident, ambulances and policemen came to check on Danni and some of the others. One of the men from the ambulance grabbed my attention.

"Are you a co-worker of this woman?" he questions, motioning his head towards Danni.

"Danni? I'm her boss." I correct, positioning my hands in my pockets. "Will she be alright?" I hurriedly ask before he could say anything else.

"Does she have any friends or family she lives with? Maybe, someone, she's close to?" The man neglects to answer my question, but I shrug it off before scanning the area. My chest rises and falls as I look around before landing on the person I'm looking for.

"The girl over there, sitting on the back of the ambulance, is a friend." I point towards Jessie and peer back at the man. The man shakes his head disapprovingly.

"She needs someplace to stay for a few nights or so. It's not a good idea to have someone who's been through trauma watch over Danni. Is there anyone else?" I bite down on my jaw and think. I try thinking of anyone she's ever run into or had a connection with.

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