Chapter 18

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London seems eighty times more beautiful today. The sun's rays are peaking through the clouds like staircases to heaven. The common smell of rain reaches out to me in my office chair. My head drops back as I close my eyes.

I run over the clock in the corner of my screen and a sigh spikes my lungs. What I thought felt like minutes is only seconds. Today is going to be another long day of work.

My eyes reflect the humongous window pane in my office. I stare at the mysterious clouds hanging above the city as my elbow digs into the arm of the chair and I drop my head into my palm to doze off. The clouds consume me with all their beauty, luring me into the sky. Worries are no longer concerns and burdens refrain from mattering.

A small smile breaks the muscles in my face.

Danni is the only thing on my mind.

The way she walks, how she speaks—the sound of her voice, the way she makes me feel....feel something indescribable. How her eyes follow and lead me on. The mysteriousness surrounding her. Rapid thoughts strain my mind.
But she wants to take things slow.
Taking things slow. This is going to be new. I've never done slow in past relationships. It's always been one night stands, dates for a week, and a farewell it was fun while it lasted. What does going slow even mean?

Vibrations tackle the side of my leg. I reach down to grab my phone and flip it over revealing the name on the screen. Danni?

"Danni?" I hesitantly say into the phone, thoughts forming into words.

"Mr. Blake there's a—"

I cut her off and lift a brow. "Love, we've been over this a thousand times. It's Luke."

"Mr. Blake, that's not important right now. I need security to come down to the storage unit rooms of sub level three and help a woman who is severely injured. She needs an ambulance," she demands with a strong voice. I jerk up in my chair before jumping to my feet.

"I'm on my way." Right after storming out of my office, my eyes land on the first person who crosses my path. "Mrs. Parkaway, contact an ambulance and have them come down to sub level three," I instruct and she nods her head. Security is notified and I meet them on the lower floor before rushing to find where she is.

The guards do their part to survey the scene and declare it safe as I rush into the small storage closet. Bright lights shine on top of two blondes. I relax to see Danni safe and then pan my vision over to the injured woman.

Danni glimpses over to see me in the room. "She can't get up because of the shelf. I can't lift it." I motion security to help and move out of the room. Once the woman is supporting most of her weight on Danni, I smell the blood as it pours from her leg and drips over the floor.

The woman looks up to meet my face. "I-I apologize for interrupting your work Mr. Blake—"

"What happened?"

She takes her time. I wait for my answer as we bring her out of the storage room. "S-someone attacked me from behind while I was in here. I think he had a knife." Three paramedics enter the conversation from behind.

Danni shuffles over to a stretcher they have set up and willingly gives the woman into their hands. I look back at the room with spilled blood wondering who would do this. Why, who, when, and how long has she been stuck in there for?

Danni has a short conversation with the victim. Thank yous and your welcomes are spouted in the air and she's taken away by the paramedics. I order one of the security men to have the mess cleaned up immediatly and they all disperse back to the ground floors.

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