Chapter 23

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The brilliant, shining lights draw closer with every second. My eyes are still throbbing from the light as I remain stagnant.

I idly stand by with my eyes half-open, waiting for the car to hit me head-on and plunder my life. Before time has the chance to catch up again, something furls around my stomach and lifts me back to the sidewalk. Once my feet hit the grey cement, a black figure swoops in front of me and opens his jacket. My eyes land on his polyester shirt as water comes splashing our way from the street.

My nose barely touches his shirt as my eyes travel up to find the image of a dangling ear piercing. 


"Danni, are you alright?" Luke bursts into the conversation and shoots me a worried look. I simply nod my head and then take a glimpse at the dress, making sure that none of it is ruined. I close my eyes for a minute, trying to clear up the obscure vision of bright spots.

"Bastard," I listen as both Nathan and Luke mumble under their breath. Suddenly, I see the rage in both of their eyes as they stare down the car speeding down the road.

"He's so..." Nathan begins with a disturbed frown on his face. "He's not qualified to work at the hotel, let alone run a company." I gaze at both of them in confusion.

"Who was that?" I pry, wanting to know who almost killed me.

"That would be my stepbrother, Phoenix," Nathan spits with disgust.

"What's so wrong with him?"

"For one, he almost killed you, and two, he wants to either take me out and run the hotel business or plans to ruin our business to try and start his own hotel," Nathan briefly explains while slipping his hands in the pockets of his slacks. "That's what I was trying to say earlier," he motions to Luke, "Phoenix managed to get into The Papillon's kitchen last week and spike some of the drinks with drugs. We had to close the restaurant for the rest of the day."

"Why don't you fire him? Get him off your back?" I ask. He lifts his arm, scratching the back of his neck.

"I can't, my stepdad has it out for me or something. He wants Phoenix to be successful and will use any resources to get him there. Including me."

"What about your mother? Have you asked for her help?" I catechize. Nathan's grey eyes turn soft and gaze toward the ground then turned back to me.

He clears his throat. "She was killed in a car accident two years ago. The guy that T-boned her car was high on something and killed her in an instant." His arms are now crossed against his chest as his eyes narrow back towards the cold ground.

Sympathy covers my face as I stand there and listen. Luke steps beside his cousin and slings his arm around his shoulders to draw him closer.

"That's why the two of us seem more like brothers than cousins. He's my best friend and I'll stick by his side any day," Luke grins while rubbing his hand into Nathan's blonde hair. The two of them laugh it off and smile in delight. 

I lose track of my thoughts while staring at the two. In a way, I could see a soft side Luke had for his little cousin. It was cute, but also admirable in so many ways. The thought of him saying he would always be close to the person he stood beside warmed my heart.

"Yeah, we watch out for each other all the time, don't we?" Nathan asks and Luke nods his head. I was a little envious of the two, they weren't just friends, they were family. They cared for one another. 

I glimpse down at my hands for a moment. I think I'm envious of the two. They both have someone they can rely on, care for, and stand by the other's side. What else could a person ask for?

"Well, I think it's best we head out. It's getting pretty late," Luke insists we go and I agree with a simple smile.

"Late? You're funny. This is nothing. Remember Brazil? All the late nights we had to stay up? That, my friend, was late." Nathan crosses his arms and beams wide with joy. Luke simply waves him off and says goodbye. Just as I'm about to head off to the car I stop in my tracks and shift my gaze back to Nathan.

"Hey, thanks for the save back there. I probably wouldn't be alive if it weren't for you." I send a sincere look through my eyes and meet his. He grins back and runs a hand through his hair.

"It was no big deal. Just do me a favor and stay safe." I nod before sauntering away, to slide into Luke's black car.

"So Brazil?" I bring up.

Luke rolls his eyes, turning the car on. "We don't talk about Brazil." I laugh after seeing his smile. "So how was your night, love?" Luke inquires as he pushes the shift into gear and presses his foot against the gas pedal. I glimpse down at my hands once again and feel my lips curve up a little.

"It was wonderful," I state and lift my head to gaze at his handsome face. "And what about your night?" Luke squeezes his one hand on the steering wheel in front of him.

"Well, if we leave out the part where Phoenix almost ran you over, then I'd say my night was pretty fantastic." Luke's face seems much more at ease and a little less tense than before.

Thirty minutes saw away from the hour as we finally pull into the driveway of his magnificent house. I gape at the structure in awe as if it's my first time seeing it. "It still amazes me."

"What does?"

"Your house. It's insane." He takes the compliment as I tilt my head to the side and bite my lip for a second. Luke chuckles and then jumps out of his side of the car to open the door for me. His hand slips into mine as he locks his car and leads me to the front door.

After we head inside the house, I slip off my heels by the door and close my eyes for a minute, hoping to regain the energy I need to climb the stairs. Before I can open my eyes again, the feeling of someone's warm embrace presses into my back. The familiar smell of cologne catches my nose and I soon realize that this is Luke's doing. A smile eases into my skin as I fall into his arms and lay my head on his chest. All I want to do is stay here with my head pressed on him. All I want to feel is at peace. All I want to do is sleep right here and now, in his arms.

"You're starting to fall asleep," Luke mentions. "Let's go upstairs." My ragdoll body follows him up the half-spiraled stairs, using up the last of the energy I have left.

The second we walk into my room all I can think about is falling face first into my comforters. It isn't until my hands run over the two-thousand-dollar dress that I feel it is necessary to properly put the dress away. 

"Hey," I turn to find him lurking behind. "Did you have a good time tonight?"  

I smile. "I did." He leans in to kiss me on the cheek. Nerves tingle across my face from the place his lips landed as he takes my hand in his. 

"Goodnight," is his last word before bringing my hand to the edge of his lips for another kiss. I catch the sly look in his eyes and realize it's the same hand Nathan kissed hours ago. 

The minute Luke leaves, butterflies whirl throughout my stomach like falling flower petals in spring. I stumble back in steps until my legs hit the edge of my bed and my body freefalls into the covers of my bed. My hair sprawls around my head like beautifully twisted vines as I take it all in.

What have I gotten myself into?

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