Chapter 24

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A week has passed and Danni is still living with me.

I don't mean it in a bad way. I enjoy having her around. I'm myself around her. Or at least, I try to be. The only issue I have with Danni is that I can't figure her out. Half the time she's herself and other times she's...not. She's always thinking—just always doing something. Trying to get her mind off of whatever she's thinking about. 

I still don't know what happened during the seven years we spent apart. The way she acts sometimes makes me wonder. Maybe someone passed away in the family or she went through a rough time for a while. I brought it up once and she gave me a two-sentence summary, which led nowhere. 

I think a bit longer as I stroll down to my office on the first floor. So far, nothing drastic has happened. I'm not sure how or what caused Danni to change but she acts... differently around me. Acts a certain way when I bring things up. Then again, people change for all sorts of reasons.

A vibration fumbles in my pocket as I drag out my phone to check who's calling. Seeing it, my curiosity drops like a penny off a building. The minute I hang up the call, the sound of my doorbell echoes through the hall.

Amazon must be stepping up on their delivery time. I wander out of my office and to the front door. A weird feeling crawls up my spine when my skin touches the cool handle. 

I shake off the eerie sense and hurry myself to open the door and meet the delivery man. Before having the chance to say a simple hello, something comes flying in my direction at full speed. The smell of pumpkin spice and red hair enters my senses as her arms entangle my body.

"Luk-e-poo!" she shrieks with excitement and exposes her voice to my ears. I wince from the high pitches she creates to deafen my ears. My eyes drop like grenades as my expectations begin falling into negative categories. After unwrapping her arms from my neck, I check myself over to make sure I'm mentally stable.

"I just got back from my long vacation!" she exclaims. "Now we can spend some time together!" She springs up and down in excitement as her red curls bounce beside her.

"Natalia—" I begin to protest.

"What should we do first? I have so much to tell you about Paris." It had completely slipped my mind how difficult it was to talk while she was babbling on about nonsense.


"Did I tell you I can speak some French now?" I fail yet again, taking a deep breath as I feel my levels of irritation rise.


"Bonjour, Au revoir, Pardon, Vous ai-je manqué?" I roll my eyes at her as she continues to squeeze her voice down my eardrums. 

I'm beginning to doubt the situation. Maybe I should consider hiring security guards for my home. Or put a wired electric fence around my house. No that won't work. 

I might just have to move houses completely. 

Why is she here? Why did she come back? The last time I saw her was two months ago on a yacht, saying she was going to sail the world to God knows where. "But you know what I missed the most?" she continues dragging on. I release another long sigh, praying for the moment she walks out of my house. 

"What?" I play along, hoping it will speed up the process of simple chit-chat. My eyes wander over to the side as I try to show no interest. 

Everything escalates after her lips come smashing down on mine. My eyes go wide as her arms sling back around my neck. Natalia forces the situation, pressing her body up against mine until I'm pinned against the wall. Her hand barely makes it to the skin under my shirt as I push her away.

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