Chapter 7

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"Mr. Bl—"

"Miss Pierce," he says with interest as if he's looking forward to seeing my face, cutting me off once again with that wretched name.

"You seriously want me to call you by your first name at work?" I approach his desk and lay my tablet on the top of the large, marble desk.

"Yes, I thought I'd already made this clear," he concurs, keeping his eyes fixed on the screen of his computer.

"That's going to sound like we're in a romantic relationship." I see the slightest flinch in his lips, in regards to what I think was what I said.

"Well, we used to date." He rolls his chair over to the other side of his desk.

For a month.

"We need to get back on topic." I swipe a few times on my tablet screen and head back to the calendar app.

"You have a meeting in ten minutes, Luke," I utter in a slightly disappointed tone.

"I'll never make it down there in ten minutes. Just cancel—"

"Nope, I'm not doing this again. Get up off your butt and get down there, right now," I demand, pointing towards his private elevator.

"Oh yeah? And who's gonna make me?" he strikes back with a kid-like response.

Five minutes later I'm dragging him down the hallway by his ear.

"What the hell?! Who yanks someone down ten floors by the ear?!" he shouts at me like I'm a psychopath. I lead him all the way to where the meeting is being held.

"Someone who wants to get her lazy boss's butt off his chair and into reality so she can go back upstairs and do her job." I stare at him as he hesitates to reach for the door handle. "Go!" I command in a loud whisper and watch as he opens the door and everyone greets him.

Around four hours later, Jessie bolts into my work area.

"You ready Danni?" I whip my head in her direction and give her a large grin.

"Yep," I say, and grab my handbag. The second I hop into the back seat of her car, my phone goes off. Jessie turns on the radio and pulls out of the parking lot.

"Hello?" I speak into the phone while slipping off my heels.

"Danni? Where did you go? How am I supposed to know when all my meetings are?" Luke questions seriously as if he didn't know there was a thing called email and checking it every once in a while.

"I sent you an email with your schedule on it," I explain, slipping off my tights.

"What if I want to cancel an appointment?"

"Luke, just click on the meeting you don't want to go to and send an email to everyone in that meeting, saying it's canceled. It's not that complicated. Bye now!" I hang up as Jess is on the verge of squealing in her rear mirror.

"Jess, you okay?"

"You called him Luke!" she starts screaming in the car.

"It's not a big deal. He wanted me to start calling him that," I answer truthfully in a normal tone.

"And you listened to him!" she shrieks in happiness.

"More like I was forced," I whisper to myself. "Why do you want us together so badly anyway?"I ask, stripping myself of my skirt.

"I dunno. I guess it just feels like you two never actually got a chance." The car turns around a corner, causing my posture to shift over slightly.

"A chance at what?" I query, interested in what she's getting at.

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