Chapter 15

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I stretch out my arms to feel the coolness of my covers. A long breath leaves my body before pain whirls in my head. My hands grab onto the covers in hopes to ease the irritating pain. My body freezes as I reach out for the material again. It's thick and heavy, nothing like the covers I have. My eyes snap open to a dark room with large windows.

My apartment doesn't have large windows.

I spring up from the mattress and onto my knees before rubbing my eyes. There are barely any lights around except for the digital clock in the room. Two a.m.

As I lift myself off the bed, my bare toes touch the soft carpet flooring. Cool air whispers around my skin and seconds later I'm tripping over shoes. My shoes. As my senses come back into play, a silky material rubs against the skin on my stomach. I bring my hand against the material and notice I'm in a short nightgown.

Events of yesterday come flooding back and the chances of me being a kidnapped victim are too high not to be true.

Looking around with the help of the walls, I find a small closet and open it. Low and behold, there sits a wooden bat in the corner of the closet. You'd think for a guy who threatens people with guns that he'd have a full set of weapons hiding in every corner of this place. I take the bat into my possession and carefully creek open the door. Blinded by darkness, I choose to go left and hope that the hallway leads to an exit.

Thankfully, the hallway ground is covered with carpet, which makes it ten times easier to sneak around. Sneaking away from the room, I steady the wooden bat to my shoulder, ready to swing it at anyone at a moment's notice.

The hallway feels like it could run for miles, until I climb three, short stairsteps only to continue my journey down the same hall. I happen to pass several doors on both sides of me, but decide that reaching the end might be more efficient than checking every entry and exit.

At the end of the longest hallway I've ever walked, there is an open entranced room. Walking in, I find the mysterious blue moon sitting in the night sky with its light pouring into the bedroom's gigantic window pane.

Just as I'm being mesmerized by the glowing moon, shuffling noises break behind me. My fingers grip the end of the bat. Then, at the last second, when I feel the air change behind me, my bat swings me around, smashing into his body.

After I strike the man, he grunts and collapses onto the soft floor with a thud. My legs dash into action and sprint down the hall once again. I begin opening any doors that might lead to an exit, anxious as to whether he's on my tail. When I think I've reached a possible exit, something picks me up, causing my feet to lose touch with the ground. A pair of arms are wrapped around my waist, struggling to hold me in the air.

When squirming in his grasp doesn't lead me anywhere, I lift my arm and elbow him in the face. Things only get worse as he loses his balance, falls to the ground, and takes me down with him. After crashing to the leveled floor, I swing myself up on his chest and use the bat to hold down his arms and his neck. Killing three birds with one stone.

My legs straddle over his abdomen, keeping him close to the ground. "Danni...." I hear the man grunt, as I continue pressing the bat further into the lower part of his neck, hoping it will crush his throat. My thoughts try to stay focused on the bat and his neck. "I can't breathe," he manages to slip out while suffering under the wooden bat.

"That's the whole point—" I stop dead in my sentence and lift the bat ever so slightly.

"It's Luke. Get off of me!" Oooooooo crap. I immediately roll off of him and rip the bat away. Luke inhales a sharp, deep breath and slides his hand against the wall until he finds what sounds like a light switch. In less than a second, the lights flicker on and shine themselves on my boss's face.

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