Chapter 30

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"Eat." The man places a plate of food on the sheets of the bed. I glimpse at him as he gives me a daring look. My senses curl up as I run over my options. I do as he says without hesitation and consume the presented meal in front of me. "I'll come back with your clothes in about an hour." Anxiousness poisons my mind after he leaves the room.

I couldn't believe I was going through with this. I would be stealing from the person I'm the closest to. I would be stealing from Luke. The idea rattles my mind as I jab the food with my fork. I don't know how things are going to turn out and I don't have the slightest clue if I'll even make it out alive after doing everything they ask of me.

What seems like an eternity finally passes and the doorknob turns on the handle. My eyes stare at the carpeted floor and notice the man's acclimated shoes. I carry my eyes up to find his as he looks me over.

"Hopefully, these will fit you," he says, gesturing to the clothes draping from a hanger in his hand. I scan the outfit and draw my eyes back down. "What? Do you not like them?" he catechizes. I glimpse back at his eyes and direct my gaze away once more. 

The silence looms over the room as he steps forward, taking the plate on the sheets and replacing it with the clothes attached to the hanger. "Be ready and changed before I come back." His presence leaves the room once again as a hopeless sigh abandons my body.

Without another thought, I stand to my feet and slip on the black slacks and long-sleeve dress shirt. After finishing, my eyes look around in hopes to find a clock but come out empty-handed. I plop back down on the bed as the front of my eyebrows reach out to one another. 

This wasn't right. It felt wrong, but I couldn't help it. I was basically being held against my own will. If they really wanted to, they could probably go after Luke if I didn't follow every one of their demands. If I don't comply, things may end up even worse than they already are. My eyes linger over the white wall as the thumb on my hand rubbed against my lip. Maybe there was a way out without hurting anyone.

"It's almost time," the man from before shatters my slightly hopeful plans to pieces and enters the room. "Come here," he orders me, waving me over. After complying, a black cloth covers my eyes as darkness engulfs my vision. "We wouldn't want you to see where you're being kept, now would we?" 

My head drops a bit as he wraps his fingers around my wrist and guides me out of the room. Time burns on and I soon make it into a car with soft seats. The outside light floods my vision as the cloth is stripped from my eyes.

My eyes waver around the interior of the car and identify the man from before, along with the driver and two additional, identical men. My gaze falls on them for a brief moment. Both had bleached blonde hair and hazel colored eyes. The difference was one of the men's roots showed more than the other.

"This is Axel and his brother Hunter," he says, pointing specifically to the right for the name Hunter. Perfect. Not only were they probably criminals, but they even had names to suit the criteria.

I stare at the man whose roots show more than his brother's. So that was Hunter. "I'm King," his voice streams in my thoughts as my gaze jumps from person to person. His name was King? I raise a brow in curiousness. Why the name King?

"Here's the plan. We all go in at different times. Axel and hunter," he calls their attention specifically, "you two will figure out Blake's location in the building and make sure he's occupied outside of his office. We'll communicate through each other's earpieces."

A memory flashes through my mind as I recall placing the communicator in my ear, back in the white room. "Once everything is clear, Dannielle will be sent inside to go and retrieve the files. Depending on where he is will decide which path you'll take, to make it to his office. If anything comes up, talk through the earpiece and notify the rest of us. Your earpiece is to stay on at all times, Dannielle," he instructs and every one of us agrees with a small glint in our eyes.

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