Chapter 37

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"I'd like to move that over to next week if everyone wouldn't mind. I'm actually interested in your idea, Jonah. Could you elaborate on 'core competency'?" My finger taps the mute button as I roll my chair to the other side of my small office.

Jonah's voice breaks open in my ears as everyone on the other line listens in.

"But how can you be certain that the customers will be okay about adapting to this new change? This isn't the first time we've brought a new idea to the company and had it crash and burn." Charlotte questions. I almost forgot that she was in the meeting.

Something echoes behind me. I look around with confusion splattered on my face. It takes me a good minute to realize it's Danni's voice flowing in from the hall. 

"What'd you say?" I question, hoping she can hear me. I glance out my door to find her blonde hair bouncing up the staircase. I immediatley look to see if she took her laptop but find it still sitting on the edge of my desk.

"Mr. Blake, what are your thoughts on this?" someone from the conference calls me out. I was completely lost. What the hell were we talking about?

My eyes look at the time. "I think it's getting a bit late. Why don't we continue this conversation on Tuesday?" Everyone thnakfully agrees with my statement before calling it for the day. I look over and see Charlotte still on the line. "Did you want to discuss something, Charlotte?"

I suddenly feel the conversation die down to something a little more casual. "I heard Dannielle is back."

I smile. "She is."

"How is she?" she asks.

I look back at the hall. "She's...adjusting," I answer honestly.

"That's good. I'm happy she's safe. She's of our best workers."

"That she is," I agree.

My smile fades. I think back to Danni. All the good moments we've had together. Life has never been better with her at my side. I would be devasted if she left. If she wanted to leave.

I feel my eyes blink over twenty times before taking a deep breath in. "Yeah, well, she's pretty great."

"I know she is. I hired her." We both laugh. "Anyway, I'll let you go. I'll see you at the office tomorrow."

"See you," I say, ending the call.

Nothing will ever change. It'll all go back to the way it was.

How could she even say that? A hand runs over my face as I take another deep breath. I drop my head to the side at the web browser open on my screen. 

London Security Services

With how freaked out she was on the plane earlier it makes me wonder what they did to her. To make her so on edge that she didn't even recognize my hand on hers. My eyes curve out the lines in my palm before dropping it back to my side. I don't even think she's told me the full story let alone anyone else.

Flashbacks of the cut on her cheek get me thinking. My thoughts go back to the man we ran into at the restaurant. The look in his eyes. The smirk on his face. I feel my fingers curl back into fists just thinking about him. The moment I realize that visualizing him dead isn't going to take me anywhere is the minute I accept the fact that it's best to forget about him for now.

I toss my earbuds back in their case and head upstairs to check on Danni.

I knock on her door. "Danni?" I knock again. No answer. Just as I'm ready to see if her door is unlocked, her voice drifts from the other side of the floor.

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