Chapter 11

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Just after I ease into the driver's seat of my car, I shut my door and swallow a breath of relief. My head hits the headrest and I close my eyes for a brief moment. When I shift my head to the left, she's unconscious.

"No, no, no! Danni? Danni!" I reach over the armrest and pat the sides of her face to wake her up. She's not moving. "Danni open your eyes." I rock her shoulders and soon enough her eyelids gradually lift open. The second wave of relief washes over me as I drop my head.

"I don't feel good." She murmurs under her breath. Out of the blue, she pulls the car door handle and pukes over the parking lot street. Shortly after, she hauls herself back inside and jerks her head back on the seat.

"You okay?" I ask, smiling a little out of pure amusement.

"No....just get me out of here," she groans from the pit of her stomach.

I start up the engine and drive somewhere where Danni will hopefully feel more comfortable. Ten minutes later, I park the car in my driveway and find Danni asleep once again. I feel better knowing that some of the alcohol is out of her system and she can sleep without the risk of death.

After getting out of the car, I trudge around the front of the vehicle and open the passenger door, then carry her out of the car and up the stairs of my house.

"Stella!" My maid soon peeks out from the kitchen, responding to my call.

"Could you please get her some clothes to sleep in and dress her." Stella complies with my demands and runs off to find some clothes.

I hike up the stairs to the second floor and open the door to my guest room. Everything is dark. The one source leaking light into the room is the moon, making everything more peaceful. I stroll over to the bed and set her down, making certain that her entire body is on the mattress. A couple of seconds later, I remove the shoes from her feet and gently place them on the floor.

My gaze crawls back to her unconscious form as I gravitate towards her. She seems so delicate yet brave, inside and out. My eyes linger over her body as I take a seat on the side of the mattress. "The things you make me do Miss Sharp," I tell her, moving a strand of hair out of her face. "Something happened all those years ago." My brows draw together, knowing she can't hear me. Stella enters the room with Danni's change of clothes and I leave to get myself dressed for bed.

I couldn't sleep. No matter how many times I stopped myself from thinking, the thoughts would only creep back into my mind. I tried practically every method I could find online, but nothing worked. Pushing my legs against a wall, taking deep breaths, being still for up to several minutes, everything.

All I can think about is her. Her smile, her voice, the stupid decisions she makes.

As I creak open her door, my eyes fly to the left and find her staring out at the bay window in her room. The city lights glow and brighten the night sky as I admire her sitting in her silky, chemise nightgown. Her skin looks so soft and perfect under the moonlight.

She faces the bright city, leaning against the wall beside the window. I incline on the wall opposite of her and watch her fall asleep once again. After a moment or two, I sneak my arms under her legs and back, then carry her off of the bay window seat and bring her back to the bed.

The covers drape over her body at the command of my hand, immersing her in comfort. The dim light of nature outlines her face and turns it into such a mysterious shade of blue. I glide closer to her face but stop myself from reaching her lips. My struggle to hold back escapes in a puff of air and my lips substitute the top of her head for a resting place.

Danni's P.O.V.

"The hell..." No, it wasn't a nightmare. It was a splitting headache. The tear I'm so desperately trying to hold back tumbles down my cheek.

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