Chapter 13

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"Hey." He leans in, planting his lips on mine. "I need to tell you something." We stand beside a set of lockers as people pass us by. I gaze into his eyes, puzzled as to what he needs to say.

"Okay?" I state, completely convinced that this is just another one of his little jokes. His expression drowns a little beneath the surface as he glimpses away from me, hesitant. I watch his adam's apple bob from a hard swallow and tense throat. His jaw clenches before his eyes meet mine again.

"I'm not coming back next year," he breathes out, staring at the floor. My heart stops for a short moment. Worry creases my brows as I lift my head the slightest bit. He won't look at me.

"What do you mean?" I barely manage to push out the words from my stomach. His hands slip into the pockets of his black jeans as I stand paralyzed.

"My dad just bought his business back in England," he tries to force out a laugh to make this less heartbreaking, "I'm leaving in two weeks and I didn't find out until yesterday." My lashes brush the skin on my cheeks several times as I take it all in. I'm the one who's looking away now. My eyes jump from the lockers beside us to the tiled floor to a window to a student's handbag to— "Danni?"

"T-two weeks? Luke..." I spit out with a stutter. My heart is racing, pounding through my ears. I still can't look at him.

"I can't do anything about it. Everything's already been made up." His voice saddens as my knees lock with my hands at my side. Another feeling dwells inside, making me breathe a little harder.

"So what? Y-You're just gonna leave?!" I shout a little loudly. My fists are clenched, students are occasionally sending me looks, and a stinging feeling is growing in my throat.

"Danni, I had no idea." He places his hands on the sides of my neck, thumbs brushing the sides of my jaw. "I'm sorry, I can't do anything."

"But...what about us? What's going to happen?" The situation is piercing my lungs making it even more difficult to breathe.

" dad says it'll get better. We...he doesn't think we should stay together after I leave. I know this is hard." He has absolutely no idea. Danni, you're an idiot.

My eyes ease open to the sound of my alarm. Just another that should've been forgotten long ago. I was an idiot back then. Falling in love with someone I only dated for a month. What a stupid, stupid girl I was. What a stupid girl I still am.

I wake up, get dressed, do the whole get ready for work routine, and take the train to the company.

As I stroll into the building, I make my way to the elevator and step out of it as soon as it hits my floor. Right as I linger out, someone comes charging my way. No, not more co-workers. Luckily this time, it was only four people with questions and concerns racking their brains.

Today was not the day to be wearing a pencil skirt to run around in. Everyone is rushing around trying to get work done. Printers are spitting out papers, people are typing up the last of their projects, and everyone is scurrying around in panic. After I finish up with my co-workers, I head straight to my office and pull out all of my things.

"Miss Sharp..." I moved my gaze over to the blinking phone sitting on my desk. Big letters titled "BOSS" are lined up on the phone as I raise a brow of interest. "...I'm ready for my appointments," he finishes speaking and I gather a few papers before leaving my office. As I hurry over to his door, I stop for a brief moment and flip through all the papers. My eyes scan them, bottom to top, page after page.

My hand reaches for the door, I walk in, and my body collides with something human. Before I have the chance to realize what's happening, the papers slip from my hands and cut their way through the air. I land on the floor before analyzing everything around me.

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