Chapter 32

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Sweat rises under the skin of my palms as I drag them against the top of my pants. My thoughts keep falling back to Luke. The look he gave me in his office. How completely relieved and happy he was to see me. How every muscle and bone in his body tried to reach me in time. My eyes drop. Negativity floods through my veins as I graze the floor. The fact that I managed to slip by him when we left the building.

"We're traveling to Spain." I feel my muscles paralyze from the neck down. Spain? Why Spain? Didn't I already do what he asked me to? "The plane leaves in about four hours. I'll have some clothes packed for you. Hopefully, we won't need to spend more than a day or two there," he mumbles under his breath.

"A few days?" This was worse than I thought it was. Much worse. What was in Spain that wasn't already here? "I won't go," I state boldly. My fingers twitch at my words. He sighs. My heart takes a dead stop.

King rolls his eyes before reaching into his side jacket. I swallow. The same machinery that convinced me to go along with his first plan meets the air. My mentality drops as his fingers wrap around the handle. Without any hesitation, he aims the gun and pulls the trigger. My eyes squeeze shut, waiting for the chaos to pass. Waiting for all of this to be over with. I open my eyes after a moment of silence and feel the pain lingering in my cheek. I watch him lower the gun before reaching up to touch my face. 


He swings the gun back down to his side. "You're coming with us whether you like it or not," is all he says before leaving the room. A tear rolls down my cut cheek as I collapse on my knees and stare at the door he left through. My eyes tumble to the floor as a red spot sinks beside my hand into the thin carpet.

I can't keep my breath from shaking as my hand curves around my neck for comfort. My thoughts instantly remember Luke and I feel the rapid beat in my heart ache.

I want to go home.


I wait in the car as Axel and Hunter load the luggage in the back. What kind of luggage, I have no idea. It could be a bunch of AK-47s for all I know. King sits across from me in the limo, glaring down at the screen of his phone. He seems so calm and relaxed. Not a bone in his body seems anxious. New shoes are hugging his feet as the seatbelt around his chest presses into his dark blue dress shirt. My eyes are still recovering from the tears I left back in the room as the twins join us and the driver starts the car.

The ride felt like it had gone on for hours, as I sat there patiently. Having to share a small space with your kidnappers isn't something I would call ideally bearable.

Once we arrive, King gives me strict instructions not to make a scene and to stay close. I glimpse outside the car window to find a private jet waiting for us to board. The brothers step out first and I follow with King on my tail. I'm ordered to stay by the car with Axel and Hunter as I watch him walk across the airstrip, prepared to meet the pilot. I don't even notice myself staring until my eyes meet the pilot and eventually King.

Their conversation quickly ends as he makes his way back to the limo and the brothers board the plane. King and I are the only ones left to board as he walks up to me. His hand gently meets my forearm as I watch him bend down to my ear.

"Take a breath or two. You look like you're going to pass out." Maybe it's because I can feel the color draining from my face.

I think back to the way the pilot glanced at me before. He must have been concerned. But not enough to push passed the matter.

As we ease onto the staircase of the plane my heart races. What am I doing? That was it. I didn't know what I was doing let alone what was going on. For all I knew they were probably leading me to my death. 

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