Chapter 35

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"Well? Aren't you going to shoot?" I question, inching closer to him. The sound of his gun clanking against the floor hits my ears the moment we're eye to eye. "I should've known you never planned to hurt me. Even when you wanted to. Even when you tried to." King's face grows furious as I step back to find someone else entering the picture.

Before I realize what's happening, Luke clutches his neck and rams him back into the wall. King's struggle to breathe becomes imminent as Luke stares him in the eye. "You hurt her?" he questions, allowing the deadliness of his capabilities to flood King's mind.

King chokes for a mere second before catching his breath. I want to say something. I want to tell Luke to stop. To let this all be over with. But the lump in my throat is making it hard to breathe, let alone talk.

"Answer me," Luke growls. "Did. You. Hurt. Her." His voice falls lower and lower on the scale with every word as he tightens his grip on King. King takes another breath as his hands grasp onto Luke's wrist.

He smirks, letting the devilish part of his personality shine through. He looks at me. Nausea arouses in my stomach as I stare at his face. His smile is so sincere. Terrifying. My eyes try to dart away, but they refuse as I watch the rest of this play out.

My eyes watch as Luke's grip strangles his throat. "I should kill you for what you did." He gets closer, tightening his grip. "I should bury you alive." 

Shuffling steps in the distance break the atmosphere as I take a few steps back. Men dressed in black are suddenly flooding the hall and ripping the tension. In seconds, Luke is being restrained, and King is being ordered to get on his knees with his hands behind his head. It isn't long before the police lock him in cuffs and carry him out of the building. My legs are shaking, absorbing every last ounce of abandoned fear. I'm not even sure how I'm still standing.

All I see is the devilish glare left in King's eyes as they drag him away. Chivers cover my body just as he disappears around the corner.

I can't help but feel relieved after seeing King dragged away by the police. As I watch the police round up Axel and Hunter, a gush of wind hits me head-on. I catch myself from the forceful impact as two arms wrap around my body. The wonderful smell of a familiar cologne builds a smile on my face as he lifts me off the ground.

"Luke," my voice comes out rushed. His arms squeeze my waist even tighter at the mention of his name.

"I'm never letting go of you again," he whispers in the most crystal clear tone. Tears drop from my eyes, craving to never leave his side. His hands grasp the skin on my back and achieve the impossibility of bringing me in even closer. "You have no idea how much I've missed you."

My breath hitches as my arms loosen around him. I pull back to find his eyes. His hand reaches up to my cheek, wiping away my tears. I wince in pain and flinch as his finger glides over the cut left from King's gun.

Luke's face frowns but quickly lifts back to his neutral look before reeling me back into a close hug. A small smile plants itself back on my lips as I dig my face into his neck.

"Glad to see you're safe," Nathan's voice shoots out in the background as I pull my face out to meet his gaze. "Especially in one piece," he mentions

I laugh. "It's nice seeing you too, Nathan," I respond sarcastically. The warmth of Luke's arm drapes around my stomach, holding me close. I'm starting to realize just how serious he was about his statement. I feel his chest press into my back. The reassurance of knowing he's there is more than enough to keep my anxious thoughts at bay.

"Don't give me that tone. I just saved your butt a minute ago." He crosses his arms as we both laugh.

"What'd you do to the other guys?" I ask.

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