Chapter 6

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Reaching for the door handle, I press my hands against the glass only to find something unpleasant.

"You can't keep doing this at work!" I exclaim a little loudly. After slapping a hand over my mouth I remember that no one was around to hear me anyway. My back stays facing the glass as I shake my head in a disapproving manner.

"That'll be all Kassidy," he says loud enough for my ears to catch and soon enough she walks past me in a fuss. As I shift back around, I strut up to his desk. 

"You need to stop barging in on me Miss Sharp. For all you know I could've been naked." Oh please.

"And you need to stop making out with your employees Mr. Blake. For all you know I could've been blinded! Oh wait, it's too late for that." I shoot back, fire with fire.

"What did you want?" he queried as I started to leave his office.

"Mr. Blake, if you're so fond of Ms. Kassidy, then perhaps you should have lunch with her instead." He doesn't move, he doesn't flinch, and his expression stays still like concrete. "Then shall we?" I say, holding a particular pair of car keys in between my fingers. 

His expression finally falters. "Are those—"

"The keys to your Lamborghini." I pivot in my heels and head for the door.

"Since when do you know how to drive a Lamborghini?" A devilish smile curves on my face as I claim this victory mine.

"Since when were you able to afford a Lamborghini?"


"Parshon taé? Isn't this restaurant a little high-class for you?" Mr. Blake teases me as I glare back at him with a little secret behind my eyes.

"Not if you can afford it, Mr. Blake," I say politely, in a formal tone. I shut the car door and walk up to the double doors, but someone beats me to it. "Being gentlemanly today now, aren't we?" I raise a brow with a hand placed on my hips.

"I'm actually hungry so could you just step inside, please?" I oblige and step inside as the cool air drowns my skin. My feet make it to the host's stand and wait for him to strike up a conversation.

"How many?" the usher queries, arms resting on the stand.

"One please," I request and someone clears their throat near me. I shift my head to the left and find Mr. Blake standing behind me.

"I meant two," I correct my answer before he guides us to our seats.

After we're seated, the usher hands us a menu and offers us glasses of wine.

"No—" was my answer.

"Yes, please, and bring the bottle." Okay then.

The minute he's gone, I reach inside my bag and dragg out my tablet, then set it on the table before opening the calendar app.

"Tomorrow all your appointments are set an hour earlier. So from seven-thirty to eight, you're going to discuss any problems with the—hey!" Mr. Blake drags my tablet towards his side of the table, taking it away from me like a child who needs scolding.

"I came to eat lunch, not to hear about my problems. And I invited you so I could maybe get to know you a little better," he rolled the words off his tongue with ease.

"I'm just another one of the co-workers in your company, an employee. I work for you, we're not co-owners." I cross my arms, sending him a straightforward answer.

"That doesn't matter to me," he responds, leaning on the table.

"Oh really?" I question in a sarcastic tone. He nods his head and takes a sip of the red wine that the usher had dropped off.

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