Chapter 26

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Warmth radiates over my fresh skin as cool sheets brush under my side. My eyes flutter open, catching a glimpse of something inch under the covers.

I figure by the shape of it, that it's a leg, but isn't mine. I follow the outlined figure up to meet Luke's sleepy face. His arms are wrapped around me like a kid holding tightly to his stuffed animal. Just as they were the night before. Last night...

The events of last night come crashing down like a disintegrating wall as I mentally face-palm myself. Every last moment is sharply ingrained into the memory bank of my skull. I groan a little inside and crease my brows in frustration. Just as I'm about to go off on how much of an idiot I am, a soft buzzing emerges from the hallway. 

Confusion falters my expression as I turn my head to the disturbing sound. I gaze out the window to find that the sun is already out, shining its light onto the world. 

My arms fiddle around Luke's body to find a way out without waking him. I quickly find my efforts useless. The more I moved, the tighter his grasp grew on me. My face was completely squished against his chest and there was nothing I could do about it.

"L-Luke," my voice dispatches an unnecessary stutter. He shifts a little, failing to loosen his grip on me. As I sigh, the buzzing of my phone creeps back into my ear.

"Luke," I say a little louder. He groans and bends his head over so that it's above mine. My phone continues to vibrate in the distance, behind the cracked open door as another sigh escapes my lips. "Luke," I try one more time, but he doesn't budge. 

Fine, have it your way. I push myself up from my current position and slide upwards by pressing my feet against the mattress. Less than a few seconds pass by and my lips were pressed up against his. The beat of his heart bolsters and pushes through my chest as his hold loosens from the kiss. I force myself away from him and then leap off of the bed in victory.

"Where are you going?" Luke enjoins.

"I think someone's trying to call me," I answer back and instantly leave his bedroom. After entering my room, I pick up my phone and read the caller ID as unknown. My thumb answers the call and I bring it to my ear waiting for a response.

"Hi Dannielle, I'm sorry your father and I didn't come the day we planned to. We ran into a few problems." My curiosity soon tumbles into dread as my hands begin to twitch. They mentioned that they were going to visit almost two weeks ago and it completely flew over my head.

"We're here in London if you didn't already know." They're in London? Like the London in England?

"Y-You're in London? Like in England?" I ask, praying there's another London out in the world I don't know about.

"Well, what other London is there, Dannielle? Guess we should send you back to that school," my mother suggests and I can hear the smirk on her face from the other side of the line. I grip my phone tightly making sure not to let it fall this time.

"Anyway, we stopped by your apartment, but you weren't there. Did you move? Where are you right now?" she eagerly asks, waiting for my response.

"I...I don't want to see you," I quickly breathe out as a wave of anxiety trembles through me. The beating of my own heart starts to pulse through every available muscle in my body.

"Don't speak to your mother that way Dannielle Pierce." The last name rings in my ears and fires straight through my heart. "After all, we haven't seen you in years. I think a visit is just what you need." I disagree with her in my mind but kept my mouth glued shut. "So why don't you tell us where you're staying so your father and I can come to see you?" 

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