Chapter 27

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I enter Luke's house and glimpse over at the clock. Six-thirty, right on the dot.

After kicking off my tight shoes, I mosey my way upstairs to change out of my office clothes. After slipping on a pair of leggings and comfy sweater, I bounce my way back to the first floor.

"Hey Danni," Luke catches me before I disappear, "do you want takeout? Maybe some Chinese food or something?" Luke offers and I think it over for a hot minute. I think of all the endless possibilities as my stomach begins to growl.

"Okay," I agree. Luke smiles and pulls out his phone.

As he drifts away into the kitchen, I decide to make my way to the living room and gaze out at the beautiful view. The bright skies have taken their leave for the day allowing the dark clouds to roll over. My mind instantly goes to rain. The feeling of a downpour after a hot day. How a simple change in the weather can completely turn your day inside out in the best way possible. The moments where all you want to do is read a book by your window and have no one bother you. Now that I think back, the strangest things always happened on rainy days for me. The night I was with Luke in high school. The day my parents found out about the baby. The day all hell broke loose. I stare in awe at the nature surrounding the house and watch the light breeze move the leaves of the trees. 

Without being aware, my eyes quickly transition to my reflection in the glass door. I rivet the person standing before me and watch the heartache and pain rise in my eyes. 

Out of the blue, the warmth of someone's arms slithers around my waist and hugs me tight. I knock my eyes up in the reflection and discover Luke standing behind me. He drops his head on my shoulder and gazed at me through the reflection.

"You okay?" His question catches me off guard and I sigh. Was I okay? Was I really okay?

"Kind of," I answer a bit confusingly.

"What's wrong?" He continues to dig deeper.

"I'm just...bothered," I reply placing my arms on his.

"What's bothering you?" His voice vibrates through my back, gradually easing my soul as my head leans back against his broad chest.

"Life." I raise a brow and smile a bit. My smile fades rather quickly.

"I feel like that's something that gets to everyone. Is it about Phoenix?"

"No," I rush and narrow my eyes to the ground.

"Is it about your parents'?" My eyes illuminate. At that moment, I knew I gave my answer away. A small fire burns inside me, building and growing until it eventually gets extinguished by the common sense of my control. 

I keep my gaze transfixed on the glass and crease my brows. "If you ever want to talk, I'm here," I glimpse back at him and give him a small smile as he tightens his hold on me. 

Both of our ears perk up like dogs as the doorbell rings through the house. "I'll be right back," Luke says and I nod before his arms disentangle my body. I continue to gape out beyond the landscape, lost in thought. The dull sound of Luke opening the front door hits my ears as he greets the voice. Mumbled sounds amble over my head and around the room as I wait for him to finish up.

"Please, come in," I hear Luke say to the delivery man. My brows fold. Who brings delivery men into their homes? 

I gaze at the sky and watch the clouds continue to roll over. It hasn't started to rain yet, so I don't see why he would need to come inside. Maybe Luke forgot his wallet on the counter again. I skip passed the furniture and slide into view, where I'm hoping to find an answer to my curious questions. I quickly catch up with time and grasp the situation.

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