Chapter 21

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A deep breath subdues my pleasant morning as my body greets the warmth of the sun. The feeling of fresh sheets under my skin and plump pillows tucked under my head renew my senses as I lift myself up to rub my tired eyes. Everything comes to an alarming halt after seeing Luke's lips less than an inch away from mine.

My heart skips a beat and my dry mouth hangs slightly open as we sit there, facing one another. I gaze into his intense gaze and watch as it lingers over my face. I feel him get closer as his breath falls over my face.

My attention is immediately drawn over to my suddenly cold hand. I notice it touching the nightstand beside me. After quickly pushing that distraction aside from my mind, I snap my head back in search of Luke, but no luck crosses my sight.

Confused, I start to look around but then fling myself back on the white-sheeted mattress and take a deep breath in. Am I sick? I bring my hand up to my forehead and feel the skin on my face. My back presses against the mattress as I stare at the ceiling.

I don't feel too hot. Maybe I'm just going crazy...again. Or I'm stressed out. Whatever.

I sit back up and roll myself out of bed before checking the time. It's almost six forty-five in the morning. No wonder I'm hallucinating, I'm probably sleep-deprived.

I slip on a new pair of clothes, brush my hair, and saunter down the stairs until I reach the first floor. My toes flinch the moment my bare feet press against the cold wooden floor, but eventually, ease into the coolness. I soon find myself in the kitchen, standing before the cold aired fridge.

My hands decide to grab something without realizing what it is and quickly close the doors to the fridge.


They were eggs. I shrug my shoulders and take one of the frying pans from a rack before switching on the stove.

"So, what are you cooking?" His voice flows through my head as I cook the scrambled eggs in the pan.

"Eggs?" I offer while keeping my eyes on the pan.

"Sure," he responds in a complying tone. "So why are you up so early?" he questions as I hand him his food. My eyes confront his as a smile etches into the corners of my mouth.

"I could be asking you the same thing," I reply as I start making my set of eggs.

"I was working in my office downstairs and I heard you come down," he retorts, stuffing food into his mouth. My hand shuffles the spatula against the floor of the frying pan as my eyes continue to linger over his face and eventually down to his jawline. I don't realize how much I'm spacing out until my eggs smell like they've been cooking for too long.

"Hm," is all I say back to him before finishing up.

"What about you?" he continues to ask as the end of his fork hits his plate after piercing through a piece of yellowy goodness.

"I don't really know. I woke up maybe ten minutes ago or so. Couldn't sleep." I scoop the eggs out of the frying pan, place them on another plate, and put the dirty tools into the sink. After I finish, I sit down beside Luke who is at the end of his last bite.

I stare down at my eggs for a moment and then begin to eat away. Tension rolls down my back as I try to stay focused on the meal in front of me. His gaze is like a bullet shot through the valley of an open canyon. So noticeable that it keeps echoing in my conscience. Over and over again. "I'd like to take you somewhere later tonight if you have time," Luke intervenes with the focus I have on my food.

"Where?" I catechize out of suspicion.

"Somewhere...classy." I smile a bit but chose to hide my expression by stuffing my face with the rest of my breakfast. I take both of our plates, placing them in the sink along with the other dishes. "What do you think?" Luke keeps his intense gaze on me as he waits for an answer.

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