Chapter 36

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My eyes gaze through the glimmering balcony door as comforting sheets wrap around my legs. I feel the warmth of my tea resonate through my hands as I lean against the bed's headboard. One side of the tank I'm wearing falls off my shoulder the moment I bring the mug to my lips.

"Good morning," Luke greets after opening the suite door.

I smile. "Morning."

"I bought this for you," he says, guiding my attention to a shopping bag in his right hand. After sending him a confusing look, he walks over to let me pull out what's inside. My hands lift a long, black dress with airy sleeves and a V-neck.

In the same bag is a matching pair of sandals.

"You didn't have to do this," I interject, secretly loving the dress.

He scoffs. "I won't have you showing up at the airport with your chest falling out of my shirt." I roll my eyes, holding the dress up to admire it some more. He turns around, giving me the opportunity to double-check and ensure my chest is still somewhat covered.

"Well, thank you," I express gratefully with a smile.

"Anything for you, love," he responds with that gorgeous smile of his. How I loved his smile. It made me feel like I was the only beautiful thing in the world to him. How it spread this sensation of warmth through my skin.

Two hours pass and we are sitting around waiting for our boarding number to be called. Before I know it, Luke is dragging me by the wrist and towards the loading bridge. Embarrassment fills my cheeks as I watch people turn their heads in our direction. Luke shows the two passes to the employee at the gate desk before the woman quickly scans them to let us pass.

"Why are we the first ones?" I ask. My eyes jump back behind us to see the people still sitting in their chairs.

"First class. Also, I hate to say it, but I am rich." I try to hold back the urge to roll my eyes again.

My jaw practically drops open as Luke smoothly sits in his seat. I stare at him. He looks back. "What?" he asks, like he did something wrong.

"You're serious?"

He grins. "Deadly." Sarcasm floats out like a second language. "Now sit down, other people are trying to come in." I drop down in the seat before buckling myself in. Luke and I wait for the rest of the passengers to board. The seating reminds me of the private jet I was on with King and the others. My mind runs back through the memories, minute by minute. I don't even realize how far I've replayed everything until my heart starts to knock on the walls of my ribcage.

A heavy sigh fills my lungs as I try to calm down. Try to think of something else. My chest feels heavy as I take another breath.

After propping my elbow on the arm of my chair and dropping my head down into my hand, the strong feeling of being watched overcomes me. I clench the material of my dress with my other hand as my jaw locks into place. My teeth clench behind the walls of my mouth. I try to think of something else, but it's not working. None of it is.

Something covers my hand, and I pull back. My wide eyes blaze over to find Luke's uncertain hand hovering over mine.

"Danni?" He questions before assuringly laying the weight of his hand on mine. I look into his eyes, fully aware I can't be at ease without knowing what he's thinking. My eyes quickly collide with his gaze. I see the concern strike the rim of his stare. How the regard for my safety is in his best interest. I feel my anxiousness rush out of my body like water as my shoulders drop back to their neutral position.

"I'm okay," I answer, still on edge. I watch his brows furrow. He knows something is wrong. He knows me too well. His hand gravitates off of mine and towards my face. His touch is cool against my forehead. So much so that it makes me want to lean in completely.

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