Chapter 10

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As I wrap my hand around one of the handles attached to the train, my phone vibrates in my handbag. I wrestled through my purse, struggling to find it.

"Hello?" I answer, finally finding my phone.

"Hey, Danni. Some girls and I are heading out tonight. You wanna come?" 

"I-I don't know," I hesitate.

"Com'mon! You're twenty-two, probably haven't gone to a club before, and haven't taken a break from work," Jess cries over the phone.

"I left work at three," I stated in a mellow tone, reminding her that I usually stay longer.

"Not that kind of break. Look, if you're up to it, slip on something hot and meet us at Red Scarlett's Club on Ridler Street, at eight. Hope to see you soon!" With that, she hangs up and leaves me there on the subway train.


My body flies in the air for a brief moment before hitting the comfort of my covers. My mind is juggling the option of going out or staying home.

Go out. Stay home. Go out.....stay home. Go...out. Stay...home.

Time fades and it's around seven o'clock and I'm still lying on my bed, staring at the ceiling. Then, at the last minute, I decided to get off my butt.

I rummage through my closet struggling to find something nice and simple. Unfortunately for me, the only pieces of clothing I own are two dresses. One of the two is very elegant and neat, so I go for the other.

It's a black, spaghetti strap, bodycon dress with a small cut at the bottom I got for sale at a cute, little store last year.

Throwing it on my bed, I jump over to my bathroom and touch up my makeup before quickly curling the ends of my long hair. With some time to spare, I glance over my options of earrings and pick out a pair that stands out to me the most. I poke in the studs and slide on my black stiletto pumps with their little attached belt buckles.

No, you can't do this. You have to work tomorrow.

Apparently, my conscience had a say in the matter.

Screw work. You deserve this. You need a break from this boring life.

And now I had a second conscience knocking at the door of my brain, forcing me to invite it inside. Maybe it's better to stay. Going out wouldn't be worth it.

I scram to the door and make a run for the station before my thoughts consume me. 

Ten minutes later, I'm standing in front of the club holding onto my long purse. The minute I step in line is the second people from every possible direction latch on and keep it going until the end of the block.

I show the man in a black suit my ID as he suspiciously eyes me down. After some time, he unclips the velvet rope, giving me passage into the strange world of adulthood. The music inside of the club is so loud that it's blasting through the concrete walls. 

My feet begin to wander into the dark entrance as others run by me. I feel like I've been wandering down this dark hall for hours until I see the mysterious moving lights of the night club.

"Danni! Over here!" I spot Jessie in the distance with a half-empty glass of red wine. My legs move towards the only person I know in this strange area. My eyes scan the surroundings, catching people shout, dance, and have the time of their lives.

Jessie introduces me to all her friends. By the time introducing names was over, two servers stop by our tables with four platters of shots. Jess and I plop down as the waiters place their trays on the table's shiny surface.

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