Chapter 34

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"You're awake. Good." A voice looms. "It's a little past four. Make yourself presentable and get ready to go. We've gathered some new intel." My eyes try adjusting to the light and everything around me.

Our flight yesterday got delayed so we ended up arriving at the hotel an hour or two after noon. Then at some point after, I was so exhausted from the entire trip that I must have passed out on the bed.

"Where are you taking me now?" I question, absolutely done with this trip I was forced to come on. I wasn't the greatest morning person, no matter the situation.

"To your sweetheart, of course." My eyes widen considerably after hearing those words. I spend the next minute thinking I misheard him before pushing myself off of the sheets and into a car downstairs.

Twenty minutes later, I find myself walking to the back of a restaurant as servers and staff begin setting up tables. I'm dragged into a moderately sized room with mirrors on every wall before setting my sights on a woman. King introduces me to the new stranger with beautiful brown curls cascading down her shoulders. A deep blue, long skirt hangs from her waist, matching the thick bra around her chest. My eyes fixate on the little beads hanging everywhere before glimpsing at the cloth mask concealing everything except her eyes.

"So why am I here?" I ask King, who is sitting somewhere off to the side, watching us.

"To dance," the lady answers in his place, with a strong accent. I stand in the room with a baffled expression on my face.

I scoff. "Why would I do that?"

"This is the part of the plan you happen to fit into. You don't have a say in the matter. Kira will be helping you succeed in tonight's plan. If all goes according to plan, you might be able to go home after this." His eyes squint as he continues to his rightful place of silence.

"So what do I need to do?" The news of me going home put the hope I once lost back in my eyes.

"Put your hands up like this," she instructs, and I follow, "and slowly sway your hips."

My eyes reject everything about her movements. I glimpse back at King as he watches. "No," I object as my answer sparks something in King's eyes.


"I want you to get out," I interrupt. Just when I think he is about to reject my request, he lifts himself up from his chair to leave the room.

The minute the door closes is the second she continues teaching me the movements.


"Now, from the top," Kira orders. I follow her movements. She stops.

"You won't seem convincing enough if you don't move your hips more," she complains. 

Her hands squeeze my hips, forcing them to relax and move all at the same time. I listen to her instructions and start again. Once I get the hang of it, she claps with joy and then explains the so-called "plan" to me. 

"Here's what's going to happen. We are performing a dance to entertain the guests tonight. You are going to be in a traditional belly dance recital along with other dancers in the front. Mr. Blake will be here tonight, signing off a contract with someone and finalizing the last touches on the project he is working on. Once he has signed the contract, you will go to their table and distract them, while I grab the document and replace it with this one."

Her hands whip out another sheet of paper and quickly hide it away before I have the chance to read it.

"What? I-I can't. He's going to notice me," I interject. All she does is skim me over like a cat scan with an arched brow.

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