Chapter 39

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She wouldn't lie to me. 

The power of consternation floods my body as I try not to drop the phone. Or would she? Every thought that enters my mind feels like the bridge to an oncoming headache of torment. Was she telling me the truth? Or was everything she said only lies? No, maybe this was all just a coincidence. But it couldn't be. Why would she lie to me about something like this?

My sight blazes over to Danni. A high-pitched ring blares through me as every sound goes numb. My eyes linger outside my towering glass window and out beyond London's horizon. 

Why lie? Why? Does she not trust me? 

No, I'm reading too far into this. I shouldn't assume. I should ask her if it's true. If any of it is true. I manage to hold off my assumptions for a little longer, but my mind jumps the gun anyway.

Charlotte has evidence: background checks. With the way my pulse keeps climbing and the endless thoughts cowering through the walls of my mind, I can't help but think of the most logical answer. I can't help but feel deceived by the one person I've fallen in love with. The only person I've let back into my life.

To feel utterly betrayed by my presumption of who I think she is, makes my stomach turn and twist, wringing out my organs in ways it hasn't for the longest time. The sudden urge to cover my mouth with my hand crosses my mind as I try to breathe.

My senses kick back in as I hear her relay the last of her findings. "Thank you, Ms. Charlotte." I take another subtle breath to calm my nerves. I need to think rationally, not emotionally, like a business deal. My emotions follow the length of time, quickly turning numb as I gather my thoughts. "I overheard you talking to Jessie over the phone last night," I start. I clench my jaw, struggling to make this appear as nonchalant as possible. I take a deep breath, slowing my exhalation to the point where I can feel the batters in my chest come to a manageable pace. "Saying that you couldn't tell me something. That I might not be able to handle it." 

My eyes flow back to the glass window, outlining every landmark, moving object, and anything else that will keep my pulse from bursting out of the veins in my neck. My heart rages with anger as I try to keep my composure.

"Is it true? The things that Charlotte just said on the phone?" I interrogate. Silence soon conquers the room as we stand in each other's presence. I gradually tilt my head back over to her. My eyebrows sinch together as my anger turns to configuration and confusion. Suddenly, every line and possibility I considered reasonable becomes blurred.

I idly stand by as she motions toward the door.

The entire conversation falls through the ceiling as my world crumbles. My eyes dilate as I take the slightest step forward. I see the apology in her eyes and how she can't bring herself to say it but hates not being able to say what is on her mind. The guilt scattered across her face. 

A face of immediate regret.


The door latches open, and she makes a run for it.

I chase after her, my mind completely lost in what the hell is going on. Why is she running? Where is she going? I step outside my office only to be confronted by staring eyes. Jessie catches my attention and approaches me with miscellaneous lunch options for tomorrow.

"Do you know where Danni went?" I cut her off, whipping my head back to the several employees roaming around the floor. My eyes flicker to her office door. I disregard the thought. She wouldn't have run just to hide ten feet from my door. Jessie's words become incomprehensible as my thoughts consume everything around me.

My eyes glaze back over the room before finding the employee elevators close in front of her blonde head of hair. I look for the digital floor number and barely catch it as I stumble back in the direction of my office. I rush inside my elevator, pressing the floor button like a madman on fentanyl. 

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