Chapter 31

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My head aches as I spend the majority of my morning arguing over the fact of whether I should stay home or go to work. A scoff hits my lips. Who am I kidding? What good would I do here? Sitting around, trying to find the impossible answers, to the endless questions ricocheting off the walls of my mind. My thoughts reminisce to yesterday's events.

"All we ask is that you let us handle this. She's in good hands, Mr. Blake." 

If she's in good hands then why the hell isn't she standing right in front of me? I could spend every waking hour trying to find her and it would be useless. I could hire all the private investigators I wanted and it still wouldn't be enough. They reassured me that everything would be fine. That they would find her. A recalcitrant hand brushes through my hair as the burden of stress and disquieting worries lighten through an exhaled breath.

Three seconds is all I need to grab my keys, slip on my shoes, and head out the door.

The minute I step into the office is the second I want to turn around. I don't want to be here. I want to be out there, looking for her. The detective's words ring in my ears. I push myself to keep walking until I make it to my desk. The heavy burden from before returns as my shoulders drag forward.

Almost an hour drills past me as I find myself staring at the scenery outside my office window. The imagery of Danni's kidnapping from two nights ago penetrates my mind with every look I spend dozing off from my work. My mouse scrolls back to my schedule for today for what feels like the fifth time. The relief of finding out I only have to attend three meetings all day gradually morphs into dread as I read over the appointment, again and again, hoping that they will magically disappear.

"Did you call the police?" Nathan interrogates as he leans over my desk.

His presence startles me. I almost forgot that I invited him over after breaking the news over the phone. "Yes," I retort, keeping my eyes locked on my computer screen.

"Did you call for a detective?" His question echoes in the room as my mouse clicks away from the appointment tab.

"They can't do anything if there's nothing to go off of." Frustration causes my jaw to clamp down behind the walls of my cheeks. I feel like strangling something. Half of me knows that I need to stay positive and hope for the best. I need to trust the police are doing everything in their power to bring her back. The other half thinks all of this is a load of—

"Danni was snatched out of your own house and you're not even trying your best to find her right now?!" Nathan raises his voice as he slaps his hand on the table's surface. I leap out of my seat and throw my fists on the table. Indignation fuels my rage as I look him dead in the eyes. 

"I would travel the world and spend however much time and money I needed to find her Nathan!" Torpid breaths march from my beating heart as I drop my shoulders. A renewed peace tames my anger as I try to think rationally. I drop my head and stare at the table as we face each other. "But I can't." 

"What do you mean you can't?!" he retorts.

My fists clench against the table.  "I can't just drop everything at the company and leave—" 

"Why not?!"

I try to explain. "It's not that simple—"

"Make it that simple!" I jolt my gaze back to Nathan and shoot him a look that eventually withers away. I couldn't take my frustration out on Nathan. None of this was his fault. "Don't you love her?" My chest tightens as he says those words. His one sentence makes me feel like the bad guy.

"I do and that's how I know everything's going to be okay," I try my best to reassure the both of us. "Danni would understand me not being able to leave the business. I have hope that she's safe." My words not only shock me but also take Nathan by surprise. 

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