Chapter 5

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"Throw her in the ditch," a female voice emerges from the tense environment. My eyes spike open, my senses heighten, and my desires change all in that instance.

"No—no, no, no! P-Please, not there!" I beg louder and louder by the second. People are grabbing onto my arms but I can't see their faces. Fear and anxiety are leaking inside of me and I want it to stop. "Please!" Tears pour out of my eyes and drip onto the floor.

"She's starting to annoy me. Tie that rag around her," she demands while watching the guards follow her commands. Tears are the only thing keeping the skin on my face soft. They are the only comfort I feel in this moment. I struggle to breathe and see no point in trying to break free anymore.

I give in.

With that, I'm thrown into the terrifying hole and crash to the ground.

"You'll stay here for twenty-four hours without food or water," the woman spits at me from the top of the dark hole.

I tear the cloth from my mouth and am able to breathe normally again.

"Please! I-I'll do anything but stay down here," I beg once again, kneeling down into the dirt. 

"No!" I scream and fly up in my bed. As I grasp onto the pillow between my legs and chest, I continue crying to my heart's content and wipe the tears away from my face. My breaths are short and fast as I try to calm myself down.

I want to glance at the time but can't see anything because of the tears that are blurring my vision. It didn't look like it was two in the morning. I press the water from my eyes and take a second glance at the digital machine on my nightstand. It was two-thirty...

Something changed. Was the battery messing with the clock? Was I hallucinating? What changed? I peer at my phone and discover the same number lingering on the screen.


"So?" Jessie wanders into my office where I am currently trying to piece together Mr. Blake's schedule.

"So what?" I reply confused at what she's trying to remind me of but hold no interest in the conversation.

"You know, when he took you home, put you to bed...maybe went to bed with you?" she sneaks in the last bit of her sentence before I have the chance to turn it into flames.

"Jessie!" I stomp over to the door and close it behind her. My eyes scold her for a mere moment as she smiles.

"I did not..." It takes me a little bit to get the word out.

"Sleep with him? Com'mon! Luke's hot. Plus, I'm pretty sure he's available. Why do you always call him Mr. Blake?" She blabbers on as I try to take a breath from this conversation.

"He's my boss Jess. And we're not in high school anymore. I want to keep things professional and, among other things, my job. I know the second I start calling him Luke..." The treadmill in my mind stops spinning after I conclude that this conversation is leading to another dead end.

"You what?" she inquires with oddity.

"There's no point in having this conversation." I make my case and stroll back over to my chair.

"Oh, com'mon Danni! Don't be like that!" she whines as I shove her out the door and close it, then lie my back against the glass door.

"Ugh," I mutter before returning to my work. Right as I press the last button on my keyboard, the phone on my desk screams at me with it's ringing. On the caller ID, it read BOSS in big letters. I picked up the phone and answered the call. "Hello, Mr. Blake," I greet in an irritated tone.

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