Chapter 16

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"I'm still in love with you Danni." His words pierce through my heart and left me there standing in utter shock. The pound of my heartbeat echoes in my ears.

"" I stutter with uncertainty. I step to the side, allowing his arms to unravel from my waist. After collecting my thoughts, I take a minute to myself and turn away from my boss. My boss.....I can't date him. I spin back around with a hand on my hip.

"So,'s just...haha...Luke, I'm your employee—more than that, I'm your assistant! I...this isn't a—" I struggle to get what I'm trying to say out of my throat.

"You don't think it's a good idea for us to have a relationship because I'm your boss and that would be unprofessional," Luke looks at me with creased brows, concluding that his words are correct.

"Yes, well——" Luke takes a step towards me and pulls his house keys out from his pocket.

"Let's go back to the house. I have some friends I have to meet up with later." I nod my head and follow behind him as we make our way back to his place. The way back is a little awkward with the soft music in the car and growing tension between us.

After we enter his home, Luke tells me if I needed anything Stella is available, and then hurries upstairs to finish some work.

I sneak my way up the stairs hoping he won't hear my footsteps, locking the door behind me. I kick off my heels and immediately sway into a habit of pacing. Two, long hours pass by and I'm still overwhelmed by what happened.

Time continues to slither past me, as I lie on my bed doing absolutely nothing except thinking about what happened. The clock shows it's almost six-thirty and getting dark when, all of a sudden, I hear a knock on my door.

Thinking it's Luke I quickly sit up and wait for him to enter the room. Stella was the one to come in.

"Sorry to disturb you Miss, but Mr. Blake wanted me to inform you that he just left to meet up with a few of his friends." I nod my head once and she leaves, letting me return to my oasis of thoughts.

I don't know what to do.

Should I run after him? Or just stay here? Or maybe call him? Or just ignore him? Wouldn't that hurt his feelings? I guess I could move out of the country and change my, no, no. Why is this so hard?

From the depths of my brain, I remember I have an actual friend for these types of situations. After dialing her number she picks up and I stop pacing.

"Danni! Are you okay? How are you?" I answer all her questions with a smile but then move on to to the more serious matter at hand

"Jess..." I explain to her what happened and the phone goes dead silent after I finish. "Jess? What do I do?" I ask her over and over again.

"Danni, if I've ever known a better guy for you it's been Luke, so go get him, tiger." I give a slight smile after agreeing with her. It's almost eight o'clock after I pop on my heels and brush out my hair. I hurry downstairs, asking Stella where Luke went, and she writes down the directions.

Directly after giving me the address to the club, he was meeting at, I bolt out the door and call a cab. The driver picks me up and drives me over to the nightclub on 2nd Street. My heart is pounding so hard that I think it's going to leap out of my chest. Buildings and people walking along the sidewalk pass by. Fluorescent lights pour into the street from stores and shops as my leg bobs up and down against the floor.

The cab driver drops me off at the front of a building with bright LED letters hanging off the exterior wall. The red letters spell out XOYO as I approach the long line.

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