Chapter 28

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"Hey, how's that new project going?" Nathan inquires with a twitch of his eyebrow. I peer up from the papers my fingers are jumbling through and take a few seconds before answering him back. The dark walls of his office meet my eyes as I glimpse at the bookshelf, standing so ostentatiously near the window.

"They've already started on the construction of the new building. It should be close to finished within a couple of months," I casually respond. Nathan leans back in his office chair and places a finger on his lips then proceeds to make a "hm" sound. "You wouldn't happen to know what Phoneix is up to, would you?" I drive my attention back into the conversation and drop the files on his desk. After squinting his eyes in my direction, he picks up the stack and flips through it.

"Besides attempting to take over the hotel? No, I don't know what he's up to," Nathan replies while flickering his gaze back and forth between the paper and myself. "Why are you asking?" Nathan's eyes spark with curiosity. I'm deciding whether to break the news to him or not.

"Phoenix threatened Danni with a pocket knife yesterday," I mention as seriousness builds my voice.

"He did what?!" Nathan stands up from his desk and drops the papers in shock. "Do you know why?!" he exclaims with his eyebrows pushed up against each other.

"Danni is my main assistant. She arranges my meetings, prepares all the paperwork I need to sign, and reads over any statements; she knows every inch of my office. Not to mention we're involved. It makes sense that Phoenix would threaten my position with whatever means necessary." I slide my hands inside the pockets of my slacks and stare outside the office's window.

Nathan grimaces and grits his teeth. His expression reminds me of how I reacted yesterday when everything happened. I could've killed Phoenix and without a shadow of a doubt, I probably would have if Danni wasn't there to pull me out of it.

"Be careful." Nathan breaks my thoughts instantly, causing me to drag my eyes back over to him. "Phoenix is planning something and although he may be trying to mess with us, his dad has the ultimate influence."

"What do you mean by that?"

"I mean that his dad could possibly be in on whatever he's planning. For all we know, he could be the brains behind whatever Phoenix is attempting to do. It's best to be on your guard. And don't be surprised if he ends up finding out where Danni lives and coming for her." I nod my head. My gaze falls to Nathan's extravagant bookshelf as my thoughts consume me.

"Wait, say that last part again," I instruct as a finger pulls at the collar of my dark shirt and my head bounces back his way.

"I said don't be surprised if he ends up finding out where she lives," Nathan repeats, while a tense wave slithers up through my spine. "Is something wrong?" he asks as I rush my way to the door.

"Everything is fine, I just have to do something. I'll talk to you tomorrow." I step out of his office and once the door closes behind me I speed my way to the elevator and scroll through the contacts on my phone until I came across Danni's. After pressing on the smooth screen, I swing the phone up to my ear and press the lobby floor on the elevator.

Pick up, pick up, pick up, is all that courses through my mind as the phone rings. Maybe I'm overreacting, but still, I can't the chance.

"Hey—" she greets.

"Danni!" I shout into the phone.

"This is Danielle, I can't talk right now, leave a message..." The voicemail fades away as I move the phone away from my ear and call again.

I've called her five times by the time I get into my car. I press my hand against the steering wheel of the car and quickly drive out onto the road, zooming my way back home.

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