Chapter 38

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My eyes blur open to bedsheets and the smell of fresh laundry. My lungs consume the early morning air as I stretch the muscles in my back. Monday. 

My eyes peer over to the clock on his nightstand. I turn back to look at his sleepy face and can't help but smile. Reality knocks on my door when I accept the fact that I'm a working woman with a life to live. I pull away gently, expecting him not to let go. To my surprise, he doesn't fight back. 

I wonder what time he fell asleep.

The last ounce of my attention is drained into his adorable state as I make my way to the door. The moment my hands turn the handle, befuddlement fills my mind. I glance down and find the door locked. My eyes pan back up the door before looking back at Luke.

Did he lock the door?  

A thousand thoughts scatter through my brain. I guess he's just as afraid as I am. Terrified to think of losing me again. Petrified that someone break in to take the one thing he's trying to protect. I look around the room. Now that I think of it, I don't even remember being taken. They probably knocked me out cold before dragging me out.

I shake my head and focus back on getting ready. A fresh wave of cold air collides with my body as I open the door and wander over to my room. I check my phone to discover absolutely nothing. Same old same old. Especially this early in the morning.

"Danni, what kind of a lunatic wakes up four hours before they go to work?" he asks, leaning against my door frame.

I shrug my shoulders. "I feel like going in early today," I say. He groans like it's the end of the world.

"I'm dating a madwoman," he admits and catches me rolling my eyes. "I'm kidding."

"I know," I acknowledge before crossing my arms to stare at him.

"Something wrong?" he asks kicking himself off of the doorway and gravitating a bit closer, only to lean against another wall, closer to me.

"If you don't mind, I'd like to get dressed," I explain.

"I don't mind at all. Go right ahead." He crosses his arms over his chest before biting down on his lower lip.

"Are you even awake?" I question him and he sends me a small but noticeable grin of sorts.

"No," he answers, stepping closer. "Come back to bed Danni," he begs with puppy dog eyes. His arms sling around my waist, dragging me in.

"You make it sound like we did something the night before." My hands slide up his biceps. "But that's beside the point. Luke, I need to change." 

"No, you don't," he says leaning in.

My eyebrows crease over. "Yes, I do."


The gentle touch of his mouth against mine keeps me from correcting the situation. A wave scented of body wash drifts into my nose as his hands press me into his body.

I pull away. "Luke—"

I don't stand a chance as he comes flying back in. I try to protest with my muffled words stuck in my throat but it only makes him smile. I feel his muscles move under my hands with every second that passes by. His hands find their way under my shirt to brush over my smooth skin.

My heart pounds from his soft touch as I release my case and give in to the temptation. He pulls away just as I'm ready to have more.

"Now will you come to bed?" His question flows through my mind as my better judgment comes knocking on the door.

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