Chapter 22

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I bring my attention to the world outside of the car window and watch as people on the streets and buildings soar by. I seem lost in my own thoughts but, at the same time, feel like hiding away in a closet where no one can find me. The feeling is somewhat peaceful yet agitating. I fold my hands together on top of the expensive dress, making sure not to crinkle it.

A soft hand slides itself between my arms before taking possession of my hand.

My gaze glides over to land on Luke. His grip tightens on my hand as his other hand holds on to the steering wheel. I bite my bottom lip and furrow my brows, before quickly hiding my expression under the curtain of my hair.

"What're you thinking so hard about over there?" Luke's words flow smoothly.

"Where are you taking me?" I lift my head and turn to look his way.

"That's a surprise," he says, dividing his words into parts as if they had their own sentences. I didn't have to wait long for us to reach the location because we had already arrived. 

Glancing over, I watch as someone opens my door. I quickly snap my head at Luke to see if this is his doing but find him only beginning to step out of his side of the car. I swiftly follow his actions and step foot onto a deep blue carpet, leading all the way down to two glass doors. Luke tosses his keys to a man in a black vest and saunters over to where I'm standing.

"After you, love," Luke holds his hand out toward the two large doors and I begin my walk inside the mysterious building. Two young men stand in the distance holding open the entrance doors. I beam at them before discovering Luke by my side.

"Hello Mr. Blake, welcome back," a man in an all-black outfit strolls passed us and over to a counter by the front of the building. Luke nods his head and then guides me over to an elevator, taking us to the highest floor in the building.

"That reminds me, why is an emergency elevator test part of your interview process?" I recall.

"It's mainly for the safety of the employees, in their ability to handle a situation. It's also to make sure that they can handle being under pressure in a crisis." The elevator doors slide open, revealing a humongous room filled with tons of people. The first things my eyes see are women dressed to transcendence from head to toe standing on a crimson-colored carpet. A large majority of the men appear to be wearing suits and bowties along with their dates.

The further we walk into this place the more it reminds me of The Great Gatsby. The people dressed in fine elegance and the chandelier hanging above us on the high ceiling. The indoor balcony acting as a second floor mystifies me. A large golden clock hangs on the far wall in front of us, making movements as large as Big Ben. Behind some of the people are tables arranged like that in a restaurant. The sounds of cutlery cling in the air as we ease our way further into the room.

"Luke? Are my eyes deceiving me?" a man speaks up above the soft background noise of the restaurant. I shift my gaze over to the left near Luke.

"Not today they aren't," Luke responds with a grin on his face and hugs the man.

"It's been too long," the unnamed man says with some sarcasm.

"It's been three weeks, Nathan," Luke replies.

"Yes, far too long." The man peers behind Luke to find me. "Who's the girl?" he asks, intrigued. The two of them turn to me, ready to strike a conversation.

"This is Dannielle Sharp," Luke introduces me to his friend while placing a hand on my lower back. I feel the tenseness in my spine develop as the weight of his hand transfers through my dress.

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