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I drew myself a new front cover :3

---Dust's POV----

I sighed, watching a little bird fly past, landing on the edge of the windowsill, where a small pile of bird food lay, waiting for a hungry bird or squirrel to eat it up.

Blue, who was curled up by my side with his head resting in my lap, was also watching the small bird, smiling as it started to peck at the seeds.

"I told you they'd like them..." He mumbled, hugging the cushion next to him up to his chest, burying his face into the soft fabric.

"Actually..." I nuzzled him, chuckling. "It was Sprinkle's idea."

Blue huffed, hugging the cushion tighter. "W-Well I was the one that said bird seed would work!"

I snickered, kissing his cheek. "I know Blue, I know."

He purred, snuggling closer to me, a satisfied look on his face.

I blinked. "Speaking of Sprinkle...where is he?"

Blue sat up slightly, pointing lazily out of the window. The bird was no longer there.

I leant forwards, my eyes scanning over the forestland out side, smirking as I saw our son Sprinkle sat in one of the trees. He was kicking his legs back and forth softly, a wide smile on his face as he watched a pair of purple-tinted butterfly's fly round in circles in front of him.

He giggled, looking over at us and waving as he saw that we were watching him.

Blue and I both waved back, smiling.

Sprinkle watched the butterflies until they were out of sight before jumping down from the tree, landing in a wobbly crouch. He smiled at us before starting to run over, skipping over the small little stream that runs past our house and up to the front door.

"Did you see those butterflies?!" He cried as he scrambled inside, jumping on top of both of us.

Blue squeaked, managing to roll out of the way just in time. I however, didn't have reflexes like that. Sprinkle landed on me with a giggle, making me yelp and jolt from having my breath stolen from my non-existent lungs.

"Owww..." I whined, making Blue and Sprinkle laugh. "You're crushing meeee..."

Sprinkle shifted so that he was sat on my lap, looking up at me and pouting. "I'm not that heavy dad!"

I chuckled, ruffling the top of his skull. "I know. I'm just messing with you, my little monster."

Sprinkle giggled, baring his teeth at me and growling. "I'm the scariest monster aren't I dad?"

I nodded, pulling Blue next to me so that I could cuddle both of them. "Mmm...the scariest of all scary monsters."

Blue laughed, nuzzling Sprinkle. "That's right, our little monster."

Sprinkle purred, smiling widely up at both of us. "I want a brother."

I choked and Blue squeaked, blushing. "Wh-Where did that come from?!"

Sprinkle shrugged, starfishing out across the sofa. "I don't know...I'm lonely...I mean like you two are great and all, and I love you and the attention you give me. Buuutttt...I would quite like another person my age around here..."

I chuckled, kissing the top of his skull. "You'd have to wait nine months for your brother or sister. Plus they wouldn't be your age then."

Sprinkle blinked before groaning. "I hadn't thought about that..."

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